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Harbormaster Zin

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Harbormaster Zin.jpg

Name: Zin

Race: Halfling

Gender: Male

Bestows Quest(s): The Harbormaster's Favor

Affiliation(s): The Coin Lords


Description: Zin is the person responsible for organizing the harbor, including ship schedules and taxes. However, when you first meet him, he is more worried about some children kidnapping happening in the Waterworks.

The Harbor[edit]

As soon as you arrive at Stormreach, you can talk to him:

  • Harbormaster Zin: Well met. I'm the Harbormaster around here, but you can call me Zin.
  • Harbormaster Zin: I make sure the Harbor runs smoothly, and when a problem comes up, it's my job to make sure someone fixes it.
    • You: Is there a problem I can help with?
      • Harbormaster Zin: Well, the Bonebite kobolds are causing trouble up in the Warehouse District. I sent Guard Jung to deal with it, but I think he could use some help.
      • Harbormaster Zin: If you're up for it, Guard Jung is near the Wayward Lobster tavern here in the Harbor. Just head up the stairs, and then go south.
        • You: Very well, I'll find Guard Jung and help him out.
        • You: I'll think about it, but I'm going to take a look around the rest of the city first.
    • You: What's that door behind you?
      • Harbormaster Zin: That door leads to the Waterworks, the sewer system beneath Stormreach.
      • Harbormaster Zin: Several tribes of kobolds live down there... along with other dangerous creatures. That's why many experienced adventurers hone their skills by going down there.

After you have completed The Kobold's New Ringleader, he will tell you:

  • Harbormaster Zin: Children! They've stooped to taking CHILDREN now!
    • You: What are you talking about?
  • Harbormaster Zin: Children have been disappearing from the Harbor! We've tracked them down to the Waterworks sewers... where the kobolds live! They've gone too far this time!
  • Harbormaster Zin: Two of the missing were Guard Tember's cousins, so he rushed into the Waterworks after them.
  • Harbormaster Zin: <name>, you've dealt with kobolds before. Will you go into the Waterworks and help Guard Tember?
    • You: Very well, I'll find Guard Tember and save his cousins.

After you complete the full series (including getting your reward from Guard Tember), he will reply:

  • Harbormaster Zin: Arlos told me of how you heroically rescued him... and I'm saddened to learn of Venn's death. The Coin Lords will hear of this and make the kobolds pay!
  • Harbormaster Zin: (Sigh) I must save my resources to deal with the kobolds, so I can only reward you this one time. Even if you go into the Waterworks again, I cannot afford to give you anything else... so choose your reward wisely.

After you get his reward, he will only reply:

  • Harbormaster Zin: Good to see you again, <name>. Have you spoken to Elspeth Wright, the General Vendor in the Harbor? I've instructed her to give you a discount for all the help you've been.

Lordsmarch Plaza[edit]

Zin can be seen talking to Gavin Northus about the Droaam army:

  • Harbormaster Zin: Just let those Droaam monsters try to get in my Harbor. We'll show 'em!


Before Module 9, he was located inside the house that now is the location for the quest Recovering the Lost Tome (previously known as "Harbormaster's House"). At that time, you were required to get permission from him to access the Marketplace, and you would get this permission by finishing The Waterworks storyline.