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Sub-race: Doppelganger (List)
Monster Manual classification: Unknown
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Boss: Red Named - Quest Boss
CR: ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite
Description: The Doppelganger has no Type or Race on his examination screen, as he may have replaced statues of several different types and races (certain forms, namely the Orc and Gnoll statues, also switch his alignment to Chaotic Evil.) He can attack nearby electric statues to damage everyone in the room.
Once low on health, he will overcharge all the statues, destroying one in a blinding explosion, and will replace it and hide between the other statues in the room. You can make some skill checks (not rolls, so the check only depends on your base score in that skill) to try to find out which statue is him, and attack it. Attacking the correct statue first awards you an optional. There is no limit on how many times you can try these skill checks, but since no random element is involved, there is no point in retrying a particular check if you fail it on the first try unless you can somehow increase your score in that skill.
Alternatively, you can just click and examine each statue. The Doppelganger is the one with the highest CR.
(The Gnoll version of this Doppelganger appears in the Gnoll Monster Manual if it is the version you kill after identifying the statues. This does not apply to the other versions of this monster.)