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Doppelganger sub-race

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A typical Doppelganger

Doppelgangers are a type of Humanoid type monster.

Note that the original DDO Doppleganger, found in The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar, had no type or race shown as it was hidden within a hall of "statues" of various creatures, one of which it was impersonating, while the Devout Doppelgangers in The Evil We Know were all impersonating humans and were thus Human race. The Doppelganger sub-race should not be considered fixed to any particular race.


Natural shapeshifters, Doppelgangers impersonate other Humanoid monsters they encounter, using a limited form of telepathy to learn their memories. Doppelgangers on Eberron are often found in service to the Traveller, a trickster god and member of The Dark Six.


A Doppelganger's attacks depend on the weapons of the form it is currently taking.


Creature Entries (3)[edit]