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Type: Native Outsider (List)

Race: Tiefling (List)

Monster Manual classification: Tiefling

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Boss: Red Named - Quest Boss

CR:  ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦23Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard

Attack: Greataxe (Slashing)

Special Qualities: Reisistant to electricity and fire.


Description: Taking care of him before the final fight will foil Lokael's tiefling attack.

When you first meet him, he is on the upper floor, behind a locked door. He will scream to you, while under disguise:

  • Phiarlan Retainer: This is a restricted area. Please return to the Ball Room.
    • You: (Bluff) I'm just looking for the restroom.
      • Phiarlan Retainer: (Failure) You're just going to have to hold it in then. This area is off limits - no exceptions!
      • Phiarlan Retainer: (Success)
    • You: (True Seeing) You can't fool me. You're a Tiefling working for the Maleficent Cabal.
      • Phiarlan Retainer: So you can't keep your nose out of things that don't concern you... (Start battle)

If you try to ignore him and rush ahead, he will show his true form, and call his reinforcements:

  • Phiarlan Retainer: ??????????????????