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User talk:PurpleSerpent/Archive/2022

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This page is an archive. Do not reply to a comment here without moving it to my main talk page first.

Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener monsters[edit]

The Storm Horns (legendary)[edit]

Hello, there are three rare encounters missing in the documentation. I just completed the area with two toons and did only find the already known 8 of 11. Do you have any ideas? Yours Kelandrion Kelandrion (ContribsMessage) 16:15, January 1, 2022 (EST)

  • Had a discussion on this topic on the forum. The consensus was that nobody seemed to know what the other three were, and we concluded this was because they didn't exist. Our suspicions are that the two rare dragons (Charillion and Nexxylplyx) should be on the list but aren't, and number 11 should spawn in the Northwest cave but doesn't. We can't confirm that, however, because we never got a dev response (none of my questions do), so I haven't put anything of the kind on the page. PurpleSerpent (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 14:33, January 2, 2022 (EST)

Thank you for the fast reply. I made the same experience with my dev/support requests. If you ever have new ideas to be tested, drop me a line Kelandrion (ContribsMessage) 15:44, January 2, 2022 (EST)

raid boss tag[edit]

Hi PurpleSerpent, I saw you tagged several monsters with a "raid boss" category. Don't you think it would be a good iea to expand the template for that ? Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 13:56, March 24, 2022 (EDT)

  • What happened there is that there is a second, special template made specifically for raid bosses (T:Raid Boss or something like that) and it is this template, not (T:Monster), that adds itself to C:Raid bosses; however, a number of raid bosses were just using T:Monster (which is frankly a much better way of doing it) so had not been added to the category. That is a good idea, though, and I will see if I can mock something up. PurpleSerpent (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 14:03, March 24, 2022 (EDT)
  • If this is the case it might be a good idea to get rid of the raid boss template. We definitely have too much obsolete or irritating templates Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 14:10, March 24, 2022 (EDT)

Suspected DCs for: Secret Doors and Traps[edit]

Regarding Traps and Secret doors: it's not a straightforward as it first looks... the majority of figures I have added actually use sound judgement. Even though they may look out-of-place or have what appear to be unusual values, which from an uneducated glance may seem to be just randomly "magicked from thin air".

Reading the following three sources might help: DDO information project/Traps and locks.

"[...] Part of the problem with the current values for 'Traps and Locks' is that anything added before: U19, August 2013, is likely inaccurate. Because the Trap DCs where readjusted by the Developers. In fact any Trap DC values added prior 2014 cannot be trusted one bit, and SHOULD NOT really be used in any table calculation whatsoever! ..."


"[...] With the (proposed) Template demo; I don't like the space before and after the dash [Suspected DC range] it looks more like a calculation rather than an actual range. That may be partly due to my disability but it's a lot harder to read and takes far too long to process by my brain.

Not all Traps can have a Critical Success, e.g. Bear Traps and Spell Wards (as they are removed) as you are fully aware.

My answer with regards about possibly removing the [Modified Roll:Result] column, is I'm sorry but I disagree with you about that. I understand where you are coming from albeit it would lead to nothing but a headache for me. :-/

In fact, to be honest, I'd probably stop bothering editing the Trap DCs completely in future if that column was removed - full stop. ..."

In contrast; it was actually feasible to use a template for: Spot and Search... Hope that explains things a little better. I'm not a rampaging Tyrannosaurus. ;-)

Dywypi (ContribsMessage) 11:57, April 14, 2022 (EDT)

  • I have in fact given up on trying to standardise the results for traps; not being a Rogue, I have no way of verifying them anyway. It's the lock DCs I'm working on at the moment, as I can usually check those with Knock. Still, I was considering going back and trying again, so thanks for the note. PurpleSerpent (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 13:39, April 14, 2022 (EDT)

Quest page names[edit]

Please, check the names ingame (Quest Journal for example). For Example the the quest "Captive of the Hidden God" is singular !!!! It's not like you feel it. (Wiki rule): We do as DDO does Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 15:31, June 22, 2022 (EDT)

  • I could've sworn it said that when I checked it. Huh. Sorry about that, anyway. (Little bit of an overreaction for one mistake, though...) PurpleSerpent (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 15:34, June 22, 2022 (EDT)
    • Maybe be a little ;-) BTW: I won't check the monster page names you create; that's your business B-) BTW2: You may have to change cat names now Thanks Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 15:41, June 22, 2022 (EDT)


I suspect +JustBob might have been a Systems Engineer. I have personally seen the +JustBob skeleton in-game during 2016. He might also appear in the background of somebody's historic YouTube (2016 or 2017) 'DDO Anniversary Party' video. You probably wouldn't likely get a good screenshot even if he did appear or you were bothered to torture yourself trying to trawl through such videos. I think the best partial image we have of him was within the DDO Forums thread: Monster Manual Known Issues.

Dywypi (ContribsMessage) 15:21, November 21, 2022 (EST)

  • Thank you for this! I've taken a clipping of the forums image so I can upload it (even if not as one of my own) and get the missing list down to a single digit (exciting!) Obviously, I'll credit it appropriately. I wonder if JustBob and Nohbob are actually the same developer - apparently Nohbob's character first appeared in 2018's Anniversary, which would fit with when JustBob seems to have been removed.
I did once consider using a clipping from a video (for the Island Djinni, as it happens) but the double-compression just made it impossible to get an in-focus shot and it kind of felt like cheating. PurpleSerpent (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 16:00, November 21, 2022 (EST)
[He] looked alive in 2017; within the 12th Anniversary 2018, he was certainly active as a human scenery decoration.

Dywypi (ContribsMessage) 15:29, November 22, 2022 (EST)

  • Ah, thank you. I did try contacting him to ask about it, but I never got a reply. Sadly, dev team/wiki relations seem to have really soured after the Rien incident. It's a shame, really.
(Or maybe the account was just inactive. The last post was over a year old, but then he never posted that often anyway.) PurpleSerpent (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 16:28, November 22, 2022 (EST)
  • You should have tried Cordovan via PM rather than Bob. Some of SSG Team simplify won't reply to PM regardless of their forum activity. I've had success with Flimsy, the handful of times I've wanted feedback on Dungeon issues, e.g. dungeon bugs like misbehaving bosses or Traps and Secret doors. Flimsy would have access to the skeleton models being a Content Designer.

Dywypi (ContribsMessage) 04:27, November 23, 2022 (EST)

Global notice[edit]

I disagree with you that the current bug is not serious; in fact it makes many higher level quests very difficult or even unplayable because energy drain is common for higher level casters Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 14:18, December 7, 2022 (EST)

  • I'm not claiming it's not serious, I'm claiming it's not so serious that people could actually lose valuable items or, worse, entire characters simply by taking actions that would otherwise be harmless in normal gameplay. The Update 51 reincarnation issues were serious enough for a global notice because a lot of people were losing hard-earned tomes or characters by no fault of their own. While this bug is a problem, it will only make current progress harder; it won't risk wiping out people's progress entirely. (Maybe on Hardcore, but this is likely to be patched out before Death Ward even becomes an option for most people.)

If people notice that their Death Ward items are not working properly, they can go and look at the page and they'll see the bug notice straight away. We save editing the actual backline text of the wiki itself for when the issue is so severe that it needs to be the first thing anyone coming to the wiki reads about. PurpleSerpent (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 14:30, December 7, 2022 (EST)