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Shroud of undeath

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Shrouds of Undeath refers to a set of toggle forms available to Wizards in the Pale Master enhancements enhancement tree.

All shrouds cost 50 SP to turn on, but persist through rests and entering quests, allowing this cost to be bypassed as long as the Wizard does not wish to switch or toggle forms. While undead, you have Heavy Fortification, are healed by negative energy, are unaffected by positive energy or repair effects, but take double damage from light effects, and you are considered undead rather than your original type for the purposes of most effects.

While in these forms, you may cast Death Aura, Lesser Death Aura, and Negative Energy Burst to self heal. You don't make Saving throw against helpful negative energy spells for half healing, and spells beneficial to Undead will no longer trigger spell resistance when cast on you by a Party member.

You may drink Inflict Wounds potions to self heal. In fact, such potions probably exist solely for the benefit of wizards in undead form.

Magus of the Eclipse, Chill Aura does not heal yourself, but Share the Light grants the aura to your summons, which then can if you are close enough.

Pale Master Shroud of the Zombie.png
Shroud of the Zombie: You shroud yourself with negative energy and assume many traits of a zombie. While in this form, you hunger for brains and gain +4 Constitution, +10 Melee Power, +3 Physical and Magical Resistance Rating, and attack 10% slower.
AP Cost: 1 Level: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Dark Reaping
Palemaster lichform.png
Shroud of the Vampire: You shroud yourself with negative energy and assume many traits of a vampire. While in this form, you gain +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, and +3 Perform. Your melee attacks have a chance to heal you for 1d3 with Negative Energy per Wizard level.
AP Cost: 1 Level: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Dark Reaping
Pale Master Shroud of the Wraith.png
Shroud of the Wraith: You shroud yourself with negative energy and assume many traits of a wraith. While in this form, you gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Intelligence, enemy attacks have a 10% chance to miss you due to your incorporeality, you float as if affected by featherfall, and you gain +1 Sneak Attack Die.
AP Cost: 1 Level: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Dark Reaping
Pale Master Shroud of the Lich.png
Shroud of the Lich: You shroud yourself with negative energy and assume many of the traits of a lich. While in this form, you gain +2 Constitution and +2 Intelligence, +10 Negative Healing Amplification, +10 Negative Spell Power, and +15 Magical Resistance Rating.
AP Cost: 1 Level: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Dark Reaping

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