Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Lag is a noticeable delay between the action of players and the reaction of the server in a video game.

In DDO, some situations result in lag for some players, or are supposed causes of lag:

  • Gathering a large amount of monsters (often accompanied with dungeon alert)
  • Gathering a large number of player characters (for example in raids or special events)
  • Special events in general
  • Graphic lag - some areas are traditionally laggy for some systems. Different settings can often alleviate these. Notable examples:
  • UMD lag - when swapping items that grant bonus to UMD
  • Avatar of Nature


Instance-wide lag often results in party death. Lag often improves when everyone dies.

However, lag is a source of additional complications:

  • Some of Duplication methods used to involve lag
  • In laggy situations, enemy effects/debuffs can get stuck on a character. Examples include Ice Storm, deep lava, Gelatinous Cube Engulfed attack, Mentau's Plaht Device effect, and many more. In some cases, these effects persist through death and resurrection. Relogging usually clears the effect.

See also[edit]