Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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DDO Audit

I run a website that tracks server population and LFMs (groups), allowing users to view live population data and LFM postings. The original idea stemmed from a serious lack of factual information regarding population numbers, and the desire of many players - both new players and HCL transfer players - to know definitively which server was the most populated for their given time-zone. Anecdotal evidence clashed with login data from DDOracle, and I decided to fill the void by taking a deeper look into it. The initial idea was conceived in late 2019 and the website went up on February 2, 2020. Later additions included the release of a live LFM viewer, allowing users to view the LFMs from any server in real-time without the need for logging in, and APIs for community members interested in developing their own applications.


I joined Dungeons and Dragons Online in late December of 2009. I made my first home on the Orien server, originally rolling a human barbarian. I immediately loved the look and feel of the game - how could I not? It was my first MMO! - and quickly wanted to explore everything the game had to offer. The second character I made was a human Cleric named Clemeit. That character became the first character I capped, and the first character I TRed (something I swore I would never do), albeit much later on down the road. He was neglected for quite some time after the introduction of epic destinies, which blurred the lines between classes and party roles, and encouraged players to be more self-sufficient, eliminating the necessity for healers in all but the most elite content. I migrated to playing other classes; paladin, bard, fighter, barbarian... I made it my goal to play through each class to better understand the mechanics behind them, and as I went I accrued a decent amount of knowledge on the game - quests, combat mechanics, multiclasses, party roles, and items. I quickly decided that I wanted to share my newfound knowledge with others. I tried a few different things - a social media page, YouTube channel, etc - but eventually found that the best way to help others would be to contribute to the DDO Wiki, an invaluable resource that I've used extensively over the years. Besides, it's a symbiotic relationship! I've always found that the best way to learn is to teach others what you already know.

Eventually my time on Orien ended, and as close friends of mine moved to Thelanis, I decided to follow suit. I joined Thelanis on the 28th of April, 2015, and spent much of my time just blasting through 40-some past lives. A little under two years later reaper difficulty was introduced to the game as Update 34, bringing back the necessity for team-play, coordination, planning, and diverse party composition - all things that I really valued about DDO so long ago. I decided to start playing my Cleric again, and I've been seriously enjoying playing a healer just like the good ol' days.

I've been playing the game avidly since, and I look forward to witnessing what Standing Stone Games has in store for DDO.

See you in game!


I tend to spend much of my time sifting through random pages looking for anything that needs improvement. I've found it addicting to fact-check the wiki by exploring in-game - something that teaches me even more about the game.

I'm eager to learn the more technical tools the wiki has to offer on this path to a more expansive and inclusive collection of Dungeons and Dragons Online knowledge.

520 edits and counting!
Monster MummyLord.png
You are now buried six feet under. The dark side is calling you!!!

Clemeit has 500 or more edits - can you make 1,000 ?

The introspection required to properly teach others is often one of the greatest tools for acquiring knowledge.