Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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About Nom[edit]

I am a casual player from Sydney, Australia. I play on Sarlona and have done so on and off since shortly after the game originally opened. I'm very pleased they now have a (mostly) working Mac client.

Before you ask, the name is an anagram of the middle three letters of the alphabet and a play on the French nom de plume. It predates the internet meme for eating by about a decade.

My Stuff[edit]

Wiki Coding[edit]

In-game Info[edit]


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July 26, 2017.
3,113 edits and counting!
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You are now buried someplace dark and moist...

Nom has Ø edits - keep up the good work!

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December 6, 2017.
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October 01, 2021.