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Cannith Power Crystal

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Cannith Power Crystal.jpg

Type: Construct (List)

Race: Inanimate Object (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: True Neutral

Color Type: Yellow - Basic Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR: 0.00

Attack: It's an Inanimate Object, it can't even move let alone attack

Special Qualities: DR  ♠5Elite/Adamantine


  • Schemes of the Enemy — Creates an invulnerable forcefield around Peacemaker
  • The Master Artificer — During the electrified floor phase. Gives SP to everyone around it when hit. Red-named. DR  ♠10Elite/- — CR:  ♦27Normal ♥31Hard ♠37Elite
  • Legendary Master Artificer — During the electrified floor phase. Gives SP to everyone around it when hit. Red-named. — CR:  ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite
  • Terminal Delirium — Orange-named in the basement section, starts as an NPC and surrenders at low health if attacked — CR:  ♦20Normal ♥24Hard ♠30Elite ♦28Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard ♠35Epic Elite