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Burgundy Tir
Name: Burgundy Tir
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Bestows Quest(s): The Stormreaver Fresco
Affiliation(s): The Coin Lords
Location: The Marketplace, northeast near entrance to House Jorasco and House Kundarak
Description: Fancy-dressed elf in garish colors
The Marketplace[edit]
If you try to talk to him while at level 1, he will reply:
- Burgundy Tir: Say, after you get a bit more experience under your belt, maybe you can help me out.
If you are at level 2 or higher, however, he will reply:
- Burgundy Tir: Please forgive any rudeness from my associates.
- Burgundy Tir: We are simply worried about a fresco fragment I recently purchased.
- Burgundy Tir: It's quite valuable - a tempting target for the criminal element in this city.
- Burgundy Tir: I wish to retrieve it from my deposit box, but it will surely be set upon by rogues on the way back home.
- You: You don't need to worry. I'll escort this fresco for you.
- Burgundy Tir: Truly? Kol Korran be praised! I assure you, you'll be rewarded.
- Burgundy Tir: My agent, Zircon, will withdraw the fresco from my deposit box.
- Burgundy Tir: You can meet himat the Lordsmarch Bank's side-entrance. That's at the West end of the Marketplace. (Bestow quest)
- You: What's this fresco? Why is it so valuable?
- Burgundy Tir: Why, it's the famed Stormreaver Fresco fragment—scholars have been searching for it for centuries.
- Burgundy Tir: The Stormreaver is a hero from a forty thousand year old myth. It's a fable about ancient giants, dragons, liches... nothing a reasonable person can take seriously.
- Burgundy Tir: But, the Stormreaver was a real person; the fresco is a portrait of him by some long-forgotten artist.
- You: Sounds intriguing. I can escort this fresco for you. (see above)
- You: You don't need to worry. I'll escort this fresco for you.
Talking to him after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make him say:
- Burgundy Tir: ???????????????????
On completion of quest, he will congratulate you with the following:
- Burgundy Tir: <name>! I did not expect to see you... so soon.
- Burgundy Tir: Umm, where is my fresco?
- You: Zircon stole it. That warforged tried to set me up to take the blame.
- Burgundy Tir: Oh no..., I suppose I shouldn't have trusted Zircon. Ah well, what matters is that you're alive!
- Burgundy Tir: You should be compensated for your trouble. Here, take this.
- You: Wait, you're not upset that Zircon stole the fresco?
- Burgundy Tir: I will hunt him down. You needn't concern yourself about that.
- Burgundy Tir: Here, you should take this reward and forget about the entire matter.
- You: All right. But, if I find out you had a hand in backstabbing me...
After completing the quest and take the reward, if you talk to him again, he will reply:
- Burgundy Tir: You're back—I swear, I had no idea Zircon would betray you..., betray us! I don't know where he is.
- Burgundy Tir: For all I know, you killed him and stole the Stormreaver Fresco yourself!
- Burgundy Tir: Leave me be, or I'll call the city guard!
- You: All right. But, if I find out you had a hand in backstabbing me...
After you acquire the quest The Rewards of Treachery, he will be much more receptive about your demands:
- Burgundy Tir: You're back! -- I swear, I had no idea Zircon...
- You: Save it. I have evidence you were involved with the whole thing. Shall I call the city guard?
- Burgundy Tir: No, please!
- Burgundy Tir: I can't go back to the city dungeon again, I just can't!
- Burgundy Tir: Please, <name>, I'll give you whatever I have, just don't turn me in!
- You: So be it. An item of yours in return for my silence. (Complete quest)
After you get the bribe to stat quiet about his relationship with Zircon, he will say:
- Burgundy Tir: Please, leave me be. I regret ever laying eyes on you or Zircon.