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User talk:Eeepy

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Hi Eeepy, any particular reason why you have changed various item pages to now be non alphabetical? Just trying to understand your reasoning behind it. UltraMonk 07:57, December 12, 2010 (EST)

  • Ah, I think you're referring to the unique items page. My logic was that if I want an item, I want to know where it came from, and if it's upgraded, what was it originally? I think I found a couple of missing items in the process of doing that, but I can see why it wouldn't make sense to someone else. Go ahead and change it back if you think it works better alphabetically :) --Eeepy 08:12, December 12, 2010 (EST)
    • When I first compiled those pages I did start to do the method you have changed it to, but then I realized when you have items such as Chimera's Crown which is upgraded from Rusted Crown people might not know if it came from the Rusted Crown and therefore look under C for Chimera's Crown. Hence they would not find it there because it would be under Rusted Crown, so I thought alphabetically would be the best way to do it in the long run. Also in update 8 there are some new items that might be called W, X, Y or Z when upgraded, but the initial item might be called A, eg Stonedust Handwraps can become Maiming Stonedust Handwraps or Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps. I'm also astonished you managed to find some missing items (except items that might be from the last 2 updates) as I did go through the lists quite extensively to ensure that all items were listed and that they all had templates. Kudos to you for finding them. :-) Have no idea how I missed Shaagh's Helm! UltraMonk 08:25, December 12, 2010 (EST)
      • I think I found one or two eternal wands, which is how I found the page in the first place, and also a couple of Dampened things, but as you say, they are from recent updates. I didn't add Shaagh's Helm to the page but I created the page itself, as it was on Wanted Pages. I'm not actually sure anyone keeps that helm anyway ;) Eeepy 23:26, December 12, 2010 (EST)

You've been nominated for clown of the year![edit]

You've been nominated for administrator should you choose to accept the nomination Smile ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 03:23, December 29, 2013 (EST)

Monster Manual entries.[edit]

Hey there! Come see me in to talk about monster manual entries. I did a lot of hard work to make it so that we could properly add information about missing monsters, and it seems you undid a fair amount of that. I'm sure you didn't do it for any reason other than you are unaware of the changes to the template I made today (I'm sure they're hard to see mixed in with all the other edits and big day for the RC feed). Basically... We don't use "None" any more. If a monster will never be in the MM because it is an event only monster (Sneblin for example), then we mark it as |MM type= Event Only and the template will do the rest. If it is something that should be in the MM (Maddened Bear for example) as a certain type, but it's missing from the MM, we now use |MM type= missing=Bear (replacing Bear with whatever type it should be) and it will properly list it where it should be listed. Please, come see me in Discord if you have questions. ShoeMaker (Contribs • Message) 00:53, June 29, 2016 (EDT)

  • Hi, I've been working on MM for a couple of weeks, and no, I wasn't aware of the changes to the template. I've been trying to clean up MM so that I can go to a specific category and identify where I'd have to go to up my kill count or types of a particular monster. Therefore, I was working on the basis that if it's really in MM, it should be on the category page, and if not, well... not! But I'll keep that in mind from now on. Eeepy (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 01:25, June 29, 2016 (EDT)

Monster Manual Mysteries[edit]

Good day! I've been looking over Category:Monsters without image recently, as part of my ongoing and probably futile quest to keep it down to stuff that doesn't exist any more, and thought I'd query you about a couple of monsters I just haven't been able to locate. The offending parties are:

  • Captain of Shavarath: I'm not sure about this one. Partly because you quoted it as being in the Horned Devil monster manual, which would surprise me given Devil Assault's propensity for treating everything as a troglodyte. I don't suppose you know which difficulty, or even which wave, you saw it on?
  • Duergar Bishop: This one I'm pretty sure does exist, but I can't find it. Which region of the wilderness zone did it show up in?
  • Greater Flame Guardian: I'm not sure what to think about this one. The best I can come up with was it mistakenly spawned in place of a Flame Guardian in Epic Inferno of the Damned, although I might check whether there are any secret doors in Cinnis's wing of Litany. Do either of those sound possible to you?
  • Slaver: I have no idea whether this exists or not. Maybe it's the template monster the four slavemasters in House of Broken Chains are based on?

Also, could you just check your Monster Manual again? It's always possible the monster was subsequently renamed, and even if not, an idea of how many you've run into could be useful (especially Slaver, where I don't really have any other leads.)

I realise I'm asking a lot of you here, but nevertheless, any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. PurpleSerpent (ContribsMessage) 09:38, October 7, 2021 (EDT)