Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Talk:New look of Special:UserRights

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Forums: Index > Help desk > New look of Special:UserRights

Looks usable, time will tell. --Cru121 (ContributionsMessage) 13:21, January 12, 2014 (EST)
Edit: actually, Special:UserRights/Cru121. I am a bureaucrat, not sure if the table indicates that I am one.--Cru121 (ContributionsMessage) 13:24, January 12, 2014 (EST)
  • The table doesn't indicate if you are a crat or not, although it should have a link to your nomination discussion (which I forgot to move to the new location and will do in a moment). ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 14:37, January 12, 2014 (EST)
Initial thoughts, ( using my account as an example for references ).
I like the table, has what I would consider useful information. It looks like it doesnt like the information it shows is accurate for me though. ( Shows 101 edits )
It seems that the 'groups you can not change' details are inverted? Checkbox for me on super user, system operator, and DDO wiki VIP.
I would think that a System Operator can not change Bureaucrat and Steward. ( Maybe change verbage to "Groups you can change" )
Also, in some places it seems the System Operators group is referred to Administrators. Unless there is a difference, I dont see the need to use the term "Administrator"
Joenuts (ContributionsMessage) 14:29, January 12, 2014 (EST)
  • Interesting Joenuts, I don't suppose you are using an older version of IE are you? I get that "101" edits for all users in IE but the correct count in FireFox... I thought it was just me though... I may have to add some browser specific code to fix that. ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 14:37, January 12, 2014 (EST)
  • Nope, it's not a browser specific issue... Checking yours from FireFox did it too at first, however, visiting Special:Contributions/Joenuts to see what the count was suppose to be and going back made it work. Odd... I'm not sure what is causing it at this point, but I'll definitely dig into that. ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 14:53, January 12, 2014 (EST)
  • Might be a strange anomaly not worth tracking down, viewing page now (in chrome and safari) both show correct edit count.
  • May have to do with having to do a hard refresh of js code on the client side. Joenuts (ContributionsMessage) 15:10, January 12, 2014 (EST)
  • More details about this bug... It returns This account is 17 months old and has made 101 edits. even on accounts that are so old they don't have a registration date and accounts with thousands of edits... Useraverage (Contribs • Message) is the only account that is 17 months old (according to how the script is currently calculating age) and has 101 edits. The account was created 17:51, August 13, 2012. I'll look into why it is pulling that specific account later. ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 21:03, January 13, 2014 (EST)
  • Just tracked down how to reproduce it. It appears that if you type the name in the input box on the page and click the "Edit user groups" button, it always pulls that account. Going to try changing the script to get the username a different way and see if that makes a difference. ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 21:06, January 13, 2014 (EST)
  • The way that I was getting the username was by taking the pagename and chopping off everything before and including the first "/". Using the input box and hitting submit was returning "UserRights" using this method, and the next account alphabetically in the system is Useraverage so that was what it was pulling. I've changed the script to pull whatever is entered in that input box as the username instead and it should be all better now. ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 21:12, January 13, 2014 (EST)
  • Some of the other improvements I've been thinking about adding to the page (once I get the gaps and last action sections working as they should be, or maybe before if I get stuck and can't figure them out right away) are:
    • Add a link to post the {{UserEditAward}} template to the very top of their userpage filled in with the current count (or update the existing one).
    • Replace the "Nominate!" links with a null href="#" and have the script:
      • create the nomination page with all information filled in (will offer input box before posting for personalized comments)
      • add the nomination to the main nominations page
      • notify the nominee (will offer input box before posting for personalized comments)
      • post a {{Ppoi}} to all users in Users wishing to be notified of promotion nominations 
    • Include the users registration time/date somewhere in the table
    • Probably get rid of the "Confirm" links that go to 100/250 user categories and put something more useful there.
    • Hide some of the other redundant information lower in the page, and maybe move the checkboxes up into the table.
I welcome your ideas as well! ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 19:27, January 12, 2014 (EST)
It looks great! "Tauro" (Contributions Message) 11:26, January 13, 2014 (EST)

Looks good to me! actually, no, I'll agree with Taurolyon and go with looks great to me! *g*

LrdSlvrhnd (ContributionsMessage) 12:50, January 21, 2014 (EST)

Nice job. Clear and to the point. Aldyron (ContributionsMessage) 10:54, January 28, 2014 (EST)