Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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User talk:BugTime

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ShoeMaker (Contribs • Message) 09:07, December 13, 2020 (EST)

removing mythic[edit]

I might be wrong... but I think I have a mythic Swift Demise. Aren't you a bit overzealous in removing the mythic attribute? In general, quest/chain rewards and crafted items are not eligible for a mythic upgrade. But the rest of the items should be eligible? -- Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 05:44, December 15, 2020 (EST)

  • No, I verify it before removing. A *lot* of old quests were never updated for mythic/reaper, Gwylan's Stand is one of these (unlike say The Tear of Dhakaan which was updated). So if you have that Swift Demise, please provide a screenshot. I'll eat my words then and stop removing any mythics completely :) BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 05:53, December 15, 2020 (EST)
  • Now I have to rummage through alts to argue on the internets. Thanks! :) -- Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 07:45, December 15, 2020 (EST)
  • No, you don't have to. I sent you an e-mail earlier just to not clutter the wiki :) BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 07:52, December 15, 2020 (EST)
  • Here! The proof.
I guess my memory is failing me. Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 07:56, December 15, 2020 (EST)
  • Actually I'd like all of the old quests to be updated, but it's like with the recent removal of old slotted augments (there's a single item with a new augment slot filled: Item:Cloak of Troll's Resistance - easy to see in-game as many vet II classes get it). It's likely a lot of manual work so the devs don't bother. BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 08:05, December 15, 2020 (EST)

Your process for obtaining images[edit]

What I'd like to know is, how are you getting those screenshots of all those item boxes that have the -complete- fancy border shapes and whatnot rather than just being a cropped outline, but -without- having anything showing behind the borders around the edges? That's a pretty neat trick! TheWarforgedArtificer (ContribsMessage) 18:25, December 16, 2020 (EST)

  • It's not super hard as the complete transparent border chunks are available in the default ui skin. So it's a question of generating it over an item area. At least that's one of the possible ways to do it. BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 18:47, December 16, 2020 (EST)
    • But how do you actually do it? What are the steps, what do you use? TheWarforgedArtificer (ContribsMessage) 18:50, December 16, 2020 (EST)
    • Seriously, how do you do it, man? xD There are some missing item images I'm thinking of adding, but it looks like you're on a spree replacing literally every single item image on the entire wiki, so I don't want to add a missing image if it's just going to get replaced anyway, haha. What is your process? How are you getting these sharp, uncropped-border-without-background-junk images for items? Tell us your seeeeecrets! :P TheWarforgedArtificer (ContribsMessage) 13:00, December 31, 2020 (EST)
  • Sorry to say, but you are violating naming policy: This also states that description windows have to be 420 wide to not screw up templates or being scaled down and be unreadable Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 18:09, March 23, 2021 (EDT)
    • Provide examples of these screwed templates first? And yeah, we talked about it on discord before. In worst case, the limit can be changed. BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 18:30, March 23, 2021 (EDT)
      • As far as I know all templates force a scale down. In case of big frames like the one around Firebreak (level 24) there is already a visible blurry effect caused by the scaling Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 20:23, March 23, 2021 (EDT)
        • Yes, too bad. I don't consider slight blurring "screwing up templates". That's a small price to pay for up to date images that are much smaller in size than the old ones too. There's still an option of simply increasing the width or, and that would be the best, setting the max width instead of forced rescaling. Not sure if that's possible though as I'm not a web developer. I'll see what can be done after I finish my current project. BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 20:33, March 23, 2021 (EDT)
    • What naming policy states description windows have to be 420px wide? The wiki scales the images, it doesn't cause any such issues.  👟 ShoeMaker (Contribs • Message) 👟 13:31, March 24, 2021 (EDT)
  • I have the same question as originally posted in 2020. I'm not sure what is meant by "transparent border chunks are available in the default ui skin", nor "generating it over an item area". My current process is to (1) take a screen shot of the item when dialog box is visible in DDO client, then (2) use an editor to crop the excess of the full image to just be the item dialog box. Can you provide more detail on how you manage to have such a flat black background behind the text of the image? (for example in Crystalline Scepter) Joenuts (ContribsMessage) 19:32, July 31, 2024 (EDT)
    • To get clean black background on item screenshots, you just need to create a UI skin that may contain only a single replaced image "box_weatheredCharcoal.tga" with something like 64x64 empty black square. BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 05:42, August 1, 2024 (EDT)
  • That is a cool information. Didn't know that the GUI works this way. At the moment I'm using gradation curves in draw mode to set all dark gray pixels to black (icon should not be selected) Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 03:54, August 2, 2024 (EDT)

Categories on Focus Orb pics[edit]

Hello Bladedge, please don't modify cats on these pics. If you find a new type ADD a category. Thanks Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 14:32, June 17, 2024 (EDT)

  • Sorry. I only modified it for the images that are ONLY used in the changed category and not anywhere else, for others I added them to the new category without removing the old one. But I'll refrain from doing so from now on. Edit: I verified it again, and you are mostly right. I did a wrong search for momento, that's why I assumed it's only used for that item. The big green gem image seems only used for GoMF but it's possible there is a duplicated image somewhere else. And while Murlynd's Spoon is a trinket, it might as well sit in another category /shrug. No matter, thanks to your nice categories I managed to add autofilling of orb images into my item template generator, so I won't mess with the images (and their categories) anymore. Thanks. BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 16:39, June 17, 2024 (EDT)

Collapsed effect template usage[edit]

Hi BugTime, wanted to share some feedback / suggestions / updates with you regarding the Collapsed effect template that you put together.

  • While this template does empower the visitor to be able to reduce (or expose) larger amounts of data on the page they are viewing, some visitors to the category pages do so in an attempt to find a specific property. "I want to find all neck items with bonuses to spot" for example, let me visit neck items category page, ctrl-F and search for spot. If the effect in question is hidden away by a collapsed content div, this may get frustrating for visitors to have to expand everything and in order to find the property they are looking for. To that end, I would suggest that the default behaviour should be that the content is expanded by default, and the user can collapse if they want a more condensed view.
  • I was able to complete my work on the external parser to retrieve data nested down in the collapsed div tags. The changes that were made to the Gem of Many Facets pages have been reverted with some slight updates.
  • I'd like to work towards having a standard approach to how random properties are documented across the item wiki namespace. What you have built I think is a great jump off point to begin that progress. What I think is a good place to start would be something along the lines of
Items with random properties shall document such with a single parent list element reading "Random set" or "Random effect"
If an item has more than one random property, the parent list element for each random property will need to be made unique (Random set 1, Random effect 2, ...)
The preferred method to document the effect is to use the Collapsed effect template, giving the viewer control to reduce the data display for larger lists
The actual random properties should be documented as elements of a sublist (handled by using the second input field in Collapsed effect template)

Appreciate you laying the groundwork to make these improvements. Happy to discuss any of the topics further. Joenuts (ContribsMessage) 19:42, August 2, 2024 (EDT)

Some suggestions by me:
  • Regarding the action "button": A float right item is fine for tables or section, but in this case it sould be something immediately right of the "heading"
  • Heading: The heading should at least describe a little bit what is in the list below; in case of your sample Drow Bastard Sword of the Weapon Master the heading may be "Random Tactics DC effect:"
  • Search: The way categorization works on this Wiki suggest that you go to the effect category paghe (C:Spot items), then sort the list (which is hopefully suppied) as needed. So you can be sure that any item in the list has the search for effect even if that is hidden at the moment
  • Display default: From my point of view this whole mechanic only makes sense if the default is 'expanded' on the item pgae and 'collapsed' in list view
Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 06:19, August 3, 2024 (EDT)
  • I never intended that template to be widely used. I'm aware that it makes searching for a specific effect harder (especially on the large category table). It was mainly made to allow adding certain group of items (Cormyrian/Cormyrean) to dpl tables, as these items are so far excluded due to the number of possible random effects (some level 24 items have more than 50 possibilities). SSG -mostly- stopped adding random effect items, so majority/all affected items are pretty poor compared to newer items while looking really bad in table format. I was thinking of using the template for Cormyrian/Cormyrean level 16, 20 and 24 items, maybe some very outdated items from Wheloon/Stormhorns era that have a lot of random options, the kama from Mindsunder but not all items with random effects that have like less than 10 options. Such items don't look the best in table format, but it's not that bad. Gem of Many Facets was used as a test as it has a lot of options too, and sets are rarely searched in tables. TBH, I'm not sure if a standard approach to random effects is desirable, at least not using that template. Your first point is very strong - it makes searching for a desired effect harder. I think we could probably try to make a standard wording for random effects and update the existing items to use it, without switching to collapsed template, but that should probably be left to admins to decide. Also, AFAIR there are several types of randomness like 2 effects selected from a single list of possibilities, 2 effects selected from a list of pairs etc. and not just always a single effect selected from a simple list. That was the reason I left that "One of ..." extra line, even if it looked pretty poor.
Another usage I considered for the template was to display, but collapsed, the excessive upgrade options for some challenge items that currently ask you to go to the item page for details (when displayed in a table).
Corgrind's comments:
  • Visuals: I'm not a web developer and both my html and wiki knowledge is not great, that's why the template was made as simple as possible. There are definitely ways to make it look better, but that wasn't a priority so far.
  • Search: that's all fine, but if you let's say go to dagger category and look for a specific effect with a normal browser search, you won't get a hit if the effect is collapsed. That's why I don't think collapsing all random effects is fine.
  • Display default: currently it's collapsed unless the page is in the Item: namespace. Obviously it can be expanded to allow forcing an option, but that wasn't important so far. BugTime (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 10:13, August 3, 2024 (EDT)