Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your free Dragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Sir Rohine Stiedra
Name: Sir Rohine Stiedra
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Bestows Quest(s): Litany of the Dead, Ascension Chamber
Collects: Sigil: Frame
Affiliation(s): The Silver Flame
Location: Necropolis, Upper, standing on a rock slightly higher than several other nearby quest givers.
Notes: Sir Rohine is responsible for coordinating the final offensive against the Black Abbot.
The Necropolis[edit]
At first, when you just arrive at the Upper Necropolis, he will say the following:
- "We have finally come to the Black Mausoleum itself friend. The journey has been long and the battle fierce, but I'm afraid we cannot rest yet. There is still much more to do."
- "What's Next?"
- "The Black Mausoleum is well protected and guarded. I have a theory about how to gain entrance, but it is as of yet untested."
- "Why don't we just go up and knock?"
- The paladin chuckles. "If only it were that simple. The only thing that can open that door is a magical sigil. We have discovered the shape, but lack the correct pieces. That's where you come in."
- "Where do I find these pieces?"
- "To the best of our knowledge they are spread out amongst the Orchard. Some in the keep of powerful creatures living in the forest, others kept deep within the dungeons of the four serving the Abbot. Collect all eight pieces, place them in this frame, and return here to me."
- "I will return with the completed sigil."
Once you complete the sigil, he will say the following:
- "All four of the objects of control still exists. They must be destroyed!"
- "I will destroy them all."
Once you defeat the four bosses in the Mausoleum, he will say:
- (TBA)