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Knockback refers to the action of getting knocked backwards a small distance after a creature of the Giant sub-race successfully hits a character.

You can prevent knockback by actively blocking.

As of U21P1, giants should no longer knock you back when they miss you.

Creature Entries[edit]

The following creatures have been confirmed to be capable of 'Knockback:

  1. Fire Giant
  2. Hill Giant
  3. Hill Giant Hunter
  4. Insgadreer
  5. General Xanti'lar
  6. Pious Grew'el
  7. Fire Giant Captain
  8. Hill Giant Lieutenant
  9. Tor'gahn
  10. Ortadar
  11. Hill Giant Soothsayer
  12. Fire Giant Slayer
  13. Fire Giant Champion
  14. Ingstoldt
  15. Kroksh
  16. Stone Giant
  17. Air Elemental
  18. Giant Skeleton Warrior
  19. Kudgel
  20. Stone Guardian
  21. Captain Two Stone
  22. Chief Ogh
  23. Dire Bear
  24. Yuan-ti Abomination
  25. Yuan-ti Sharp-Eye
  26. Salamander Firebrand
  27. Frost Giant Raider
  28. Frost Giant Mage
  29. Frost Giant Hunter
  30. Cloud Giant Captain
  31. Stone Giant Captain
  32. Hill Giant Sergeant
  33. Portal Keeper (fire giant)
  34. Gatekeeper
  35. Stormsworn Berserker
  36. Stormsworn Sky Knight
  37. Stormsworn Pyromancer
  38. Stormsworn Earthcaller
  39. Ancient Element of Air
  40. Thum Grim
  41. Nale Grim
  42. Ancient Giant Wizard
  43. Brack
  44. Druuhl
  45. Skanaal
  46. Stone Giant Elder
  47. Mudfoot
  48. Prince Gornard
  49. Skeletal Giant
  50. Ahnold the Hungry
  51. Giant Skeleton Barbarian
  52. Frost Giant Iceblade
  53. Hill Giant Warrior
  54. Captain Stalg
  55. Glumdalclunk
  56. Gresl-glis
  57. Chieftain Uggorn
  58. Temple Air Elemental
  59. Vyman
  60. Cragmore the Adamant
  61. Tempest
  62. Frall the Burning
  63. Giant Savage
  64. Hill Giant Brute
  65. Talvis Samit
  66. Firebrand Piercer
  67. Trial Challenger
  68. Trundlefoot
  69. Fire Giant Soldier
  70. Fire Giant Warlock
  71. Frost Giant Hetman
  72. Lord Harryhausen
  73. Suziar
  74. Cloud Spirit
  75. Hill Giant Scavenger
  76. Stone Giant Scavenger
  77. Kressp
  78. Summoned Air Elemental
  79. Flaik the Watchful
  80. Bewildered Bearserk
  81. Magmaborn Salamander
  82. Transfigured Statue
  83. Druidic Dire Bear
  84. Grunk the Lizardeater
  85. Hill Giant Shaman (Eberron)
  86. Hill Giant Shaman (Forgotten Realms)
  87. Failed Vessel
  88. T'Zull
  89. P'Thall