Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Item:Epic Heart of Wood

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ItemIcon HeartOfWood.jpg

Current Epic Heart Item Description

Epic Heart of Wood is used for Epic Reincarnation: to reset your epic levels back to 20 and gaining Epic Past Life bonuses. The Epic Heart also allows you to respec your ability scores, feats, skills, and spells taken during your heroic levels (Wizards, however, keep their spell books). However, your quest status and favor will not be reset, and you must wait at least 3 days between each epic reincarnation.

As with other hearts, your Tome of Learning bonus persists after reincarnation, and Status Tome bonuses will unlock incrementally as you re-level your character. Equipped items will be unequipped and placed in the character's inventory.

For every four epic past lives you gain, you will earn one extra fate point.

Your character must be Level 30 (or higher if level cap is raised) to use this item. You must have 6 million karma in at least one destiny sphere.

An Epic Heart of Wood can be acquired in several ways:

To do one of these trades, open a barter window by double-clicking a stack of Heart Seeds or of Commendations of Valor.

See Also[edit]


December 2013 distribution for VIPs[edit]

Originally Posted by Tolero Source

Starting on December 12th, if your account is VIP, any of your characters that are at least level 20 will get a free Epic Heart of Wood! This offer is good through January 12th, and any VIP characters are eligible to receive the free Epic Heart so long as they are at least level 20.