Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Frogo (3).png

Frogo (30).png


Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh adventure pack

  • Ultimate Fan Edition: Level 3 and Level 30
  • Collector's Edition: Level 3 only

Once unlocked, Frogo (Heroic / Epic Bullywug Rogue Hireling Contract) can be claimed from Garthalmor. You can claim the contract multiple times per character, but there is no particular benefit to doing so.

How good is he?[edit]

  • Level 3 Frogo's 'simulated' Search skill for "visibly revealing" trap Control panels is; DC:22, Search (23:Fail; 22:Success)
    • His base standing Disable Device skill is suspected to be somewhere in the 20s
  • Level 30 Frogo's 'simulated' Spot "danger" alert message, and Search skill for "visibly revealing" trap Control panels is equal to, or over; DC:90, Search (90:Success)

See also:

Buffing Frogo[edit]

What are some of the buffs that can help heroic Frogo trap even in higher level content?

Class abilities

Past lives and misc


  • Frogo cannot unlock underwater chests.
  • Frogo can find and disable underwater traps, however, like all hirelings, he sinks like a brick, so he cannot disable traps while floating near the surface (for example, one of the traps in Spies in the House).
  • Frogo can run out of thieves' tools (50). DDO Forums