Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Fascinate icon.png


This song fascinates most nearby living enemies not immune to mind-affecting effects, causing them to cease their activities until they're damaged or the effect ends. Fascinated enemies are also vulnerable to charming by Suggestion Song and Mass Suggestion Song. This feat can be improved through several abilities.

  • Target: All nearby enemies not immune to mind-affecting effects.
  • Duration: 24 seconds + 6 seconds per bard level.[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"24 seconds + 6 seconds per bard level." has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!]
  • Save: Will negates, DC = Perform skill + 1d20


  • This song takes about 5 seconds of playing before the effect applies, and it affects enemies near the Bard at that time, not necessarily those that were close when the song started.
  • This song benefits from enhancements that increase song duration.[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"This song benefits from enhancements that increase song duration." has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!]
  • Orange, Red and purple named enemies are immune.
  • In-game description displays an inaccurate duration. See this article's talk page for confirmation on duration with examples.[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"In-game description displays an inaccurate duration. See this article's talk page for confirmation on duration with examples." has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!]

Fascinate related abilities[edit]

Below is a list of obtainable effects that improve Fascinate.

Icon Effect Description PerformRequired trained ranks of Perform Source
Haunting Melody Fascinated creatures are Haunted for (20/40/60) seconds. Haunted: -2 on all Saving Throws, Skill checks and attack rolls. Spellsinger enhancements
Fatesinger Majesty.png
Majesty When you play any Bardic Song while using the Mantle of Sound & Fury, you heal yourself and nearby allies for 1d2 Hit Points per Character Level (scaling with Positive Spellpower) and apply the Restoration spell. Fatesinger
Icon Enhancement Music of the Dead.png
Music of the Dead Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Undead. They stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated. Unlike truly fascinated creatures, however, they are not susceptible to suggestion. Spellsinger enhancements
Icon Enhancement Music of the Makers.png
Music of the Makers Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Constructs. They stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated. Unlike truly fascinated creatures, however, they are not susceptible to suggestion. Spellsinger enhancements
Icon Enhancement Music of the Sewers.png
Music of the Sewers Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Oozes. They stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated. Unlike truly fascinated creatures, however, they are not susceptible to suggestion. Spellsinger enhancements
Fatesinger Music of the Spider Queen.png
Music of the Spider Queen Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Vermin. Mesmerized Vermin are not susceptible to suggestion. Fatesinger
Sharp Note Your Fascinate ability now also grants nearby allies a +(1/2/3) bonus to damage for 60 seconds. Spellsinger enhancements