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Doomspherelet's Certificate description

Name: Doomspherelet

Race: Beholder

Bind: The Doomspherelet Certificate is Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire.


A bright young spectral beholder that just wants to be friends.

DDO Store purchasable?: No

Companion tricks

Beholder Trick - Bite icon.png
Bite- Your beholder will bite at something it sees.
Beholder Trick - Play Dead icon.png
Play Dead- Your beholder will fall from the air dramatically and play dead.
Beholder Trick - Preen icon.png
Preen- Your beholder will clean itself up slightly.
Beholder Trick - Yell icon.png
Yell- Your beholder will let loose with a miniature beholder bellow.
Beholder Trick - Attack icon.png
Attack50 DP- Your beholder will attempt to practice with its underdeveloped eye beams.
Beholder Trick - Dance icon.png
Dance95 DP- Your beholder will perform a dance with some custom modern choreography.
Beholder Trick - Stare icon.png
Stare50 DP- Your beholder will gawk in a most unusual way.
Beholder Trick - Sleep icon.png
Sleep50 DP- Your beholder will literally drift off to sleep.


Acquired from The Night Revels for 120 IngIcon PieceOfDarkestChocolate.png Icon tooltip.pngPiece of Darkest Chocolate; obtained in the Graveyard mob slayer, Hayweird Foundry, or Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace80 IngIcon SpookyAlmond.png Icon tooltip.pngSpooky Almond, obtained in Under New Ravagement, Hayweird Foundry, or Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace80 IngIcon BlackApple.png Icon tooltip.pngBlack Apple; obtained in Haverdashed, Hayweird Foundry, or Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace80 IngIcon ShadowyCaramel.png Icon tooltip.pngShadowy Caramel; obtained in The Kobolds' Newest Ringleader, Hayweird Foundry, or Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace80 IngIcon PinchOfSinisterCinnamon.png Icon tooltip.pngPinch of Sinister Cinnamon; obtained in The Snitch and the Lich, Hayweird Foundry, or Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace.