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Ryo Silverbrow

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Ryo Silverbrow.jpg

Name: Ryo Silverbrow <Portable Hole Collector>

Race: Elf

Gender: Male

Collects: Collapsed Portable Hole

Affiliation(s): The Coin Lords

Location: The Harbor, a courtyard in upper north Stormreach Harbor, next to the "Fallowcrest Library" and near Nyx Durandimion.

Notes: Ryo can provide characters with an extra inventory slot in their backpack. The cost for this is either one Collapsed Portable Hole plus 10,000 platinum, or 6 Astral Shards (and no CPH). You must have at least 150 Coin Lord Favor and then speak to Coin Lord Patron Montague Goudreau before Ryo will provide you with details on your extra inventory space.

The Harbor[edit]

If you try to talk to him, he will reply:

  • Ryo Silverbrow: Welcome! I am in the service of the Coin Lords, specializing in extra-dimensional magics.
  • Ryo Silverbrow: If you are in good favor with the Coin Lords, bring me a Collapsed Portable Hole and I can correct the enchantments on it.
  • Ryo Silverbrow: If you don't have a Collapsed Portable Hole, I can still help you in exchange for some Astral Shards.
  • Ryo Silverbrow: That will give you more inventory space.
  • You: How much will this cost me?
  • You don't have 150 Coin Lords favor
  • (You have 150 Coin Lords favor and have spoken to Montague Goudreau)
    • Ryo Silverbrow: My prices are quite reasonable, and I can forgo the normal cost for 6 Astral Shards.
    • You: Give Astral Shards (This will increase total inventory by 20 spaces.)
    • You: Give one Collapsed Portable hole and 100,000gp (This will increase total inventory by 20 spaces.)
  • You don't have the currency or the portable hole
    • Ryo Silverbrow: I can only upgrade your inventory space if you bring me a Collapsed Portable Hole.
    • Ryo Silverbrow: All finished! Enjoy your new space.
  • You already bought the extra space from him
    • Ryo Silverbrow: You have already upgraded your inventory space! I can do no more for you.
      • You: Sorry for wasting your time.