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Item:Antique Bronze Token

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Item Antique Bronze Token.jpg
Funerary Token icon.png

Antique Bronze Token

This bronze token served as currency during the reign of Raiyum, the Wizard-King. The faint outline of a crowned head can been seen on one side, but its features have been worn smooth by time. These are wanted by Masei Mkembe, at Masei's Imports in Zawabi's Refuge.

Drop Locations



  • After the first buff reducing the amount of tokens required per turn in, this used to be a good source of guild renown.
  • Before that, these rewards used to require far more tokens making the turns in rather poor. Cost were around 10x what they are now - up to 6,250 tokens.
  • Revamped to use the barter system. You are now given a single random loot-gen item. No choice besides type of item. No longer can be used to gain guild renown.
    • Since the overhaul to the system, MLs for each selection were assumed to be unchanged; however, clothing and jewelry are now ML 7-11. Exceptional clothing and jewelry are ML 7-13 or higher. Confirmation that the exceptional items go to a higher ML has been made (Armored +7 Bracers ML13).
  • From U24 until U29, this was one of the few places where you could still find mid-level randomly generated clickies.
  • After U29 mid-level randomly generated clickies are no longer available as the items rewarded all have the "Ingredient Type: New Random Loot" qualifier.
  • Since Update 53, you may now Barter for Sands of Menechtarun wilderness loot from Masei Mkembe's Barter Shop in Zawabi's Refuge if you have Antique Bronze Tokens to spare.