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Valak's Firstborn

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Valak's Firstborn.jpg

Type: Undead (List)

Race: Skeleton (List)

Monster Manual classification: Skeleton

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Color Type: Orange - Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR:  ♦6Normal ♠10Elite

Attack: Bastard Sword (Slashing + Magic)

Special Qualities: Undead Traits. Damage Reduction  ♦5Normal ♥10Hard/Bludgeoning, Immunity to Cold.


  • Valak's Mausoleum — Southwest part on the obrigatory underwater passage, behind a secret door.

Description: Valak's Firstborn is a optional orange named mini boss encountered in Valak's Mausoleum. He is a slightly more powerful Skeleton Knight.


Valak's Firstborn was originally a Spectre. Due to bugs involving Spectres frequently flying into walls and never coming out, you often could not get the experience/extra chest for slaying Valak's Firstborn. Turbine took the easy way out and changed him into a Skeleton Knight rather than fixing the bug with Spectres.