Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Hello DDO community :)

I'll add some information about me someday. But first I want to get in contact (more detailed) to the wiki system.

I'm a beginner in DDO for about three years and played over about 20 TRs (spent some time in WoW before, but it bored me). The wiki helped and still helps me a lot and the more I help to the wiki, the more I learn about the game (and ... may it also help me in improving my English typing and understanding skills - I'll put some more skill points there).

Greetings from Middle Europe.

Take care and have fun in DDO.

Ingame activities[edit]

Team-playing in challenging reaper quests - that's all we need. When we rushed through a quest, we raise the reaper skulls for the next adventure!

last modified: 2018-08-07

  • Thelanis
    • "Gottesglatze" - only playing with a friend - mostly in public groups on reaper difficulty
      1. Paladin 18 | Fighter 2 - Sword and Board - learning to play
      2. Fighter 20 | Epic 1 - axe-focused Kensai
      3. Cleric 20 | Epic 8 - Divine Disciple
      4. Rogue 20 | Epic 8 - Mechanic - pure fun, and first character for Epic Elite
      5. Barbarian 20 | Epic 8 - Ravager - good self-heal ability
      6. Bard 20 | Epic 10 - Swashbuckler - great single-target damage
      7. Ranger 20 | Epic 10 - Tempest - twf; can do anything of everything
      8. Warlock 20 | Epic 10 - Enlightened Spirit - absolutely no-brainer, but not boring
      9. Rogue 20 | Epic 10 - Thief-Acrobat - really strong in mid-levels, leaks in Epic Elite - staff aoe trip is great with it's DC vs. Strength
      10. Paladin 20 | Epic 10 - Vanguard - tanking is fun, nice stunning abilities; valueable ghost-touch (first in reaper difficulty)
      11. Monk 20 | Epic 10 - Shintao - very high damage in end game content
      12. Warlock 9 | - | Tainted Scholar - strong, easy and funny

  • Orien
    • "Bruceash" - only playing with two guildies ('It's a trap') - mostly in public groups on reaper difficulty
      1. Fighter 16 | Rogue 2 | Ranger 2 | Epic 2 - Kensai mix - learning to play
      2. Rogue 20 | Epic 2 - Thief-Acrobat - funny staff handling
      3. Barbarian 20 | Epic 3 - Occult Slayer - constitution to damage - very healthy
      4. Sorcerer 20 | Epic 8 - Air and Water Savant - relaxed damage dealer, leaked in epic (before the new epic feats were implemented)
      5. Rogue 20 | Epic 8 - Mechanic - :-)
      6. Fighter 20 | Epic 10 - Vanguard - tanking tower shield
      7. Bard 20 | Epic 10 - Swashbuckler - ... with some icy components
      8. Paladin 20 | Epic 10 - Knight of the Chalice - thf; nice damage, nice saves, but nothing really special
      9. Rogue 20 | Epic 10 - Mechanic - easy but massive damage, and never without the Time bomb
      10. Monk 20 | Epic 10 - Shintao - good survivability, high agility (first in reaper difficulty) and high damage in end game content
      11. Warlock 6 | - | Tainted Scholar - strong, easy and funny

Not much time for playing solo. Not much time for playing at all. -.-

my testing area[edit]

Starting a Monk preparations...

Damage focused martial-arts Shintao Monk[edit]


331 edits and counting!
Monster MummyLord.png
You are now buried five feet under. The dark side is calling you...

Hintereisen has 250 or more edits - can you make 500 ?