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Stormreach Chronicle 5

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Stormreach Chronicle:
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Stormreach Chronicle 5 - Shadow Crypt Open, Dame Calla Missing![edit]


Kai-Teng Fairuza Demands Immediate Assistance!
The brash Emerald Claw leader urgently requests the aid of all able-bodied adventurers to enter the depths of the Shadow Tombs and Crypt. What has triggered this sudden assault? The Chronicle has learned that Dame Calla Swiftmare, the distinguished Silver Flamer, has ventured into the Shadow Crypt alone! Before leaving, she claimed that a group called the 'Shadow Council' had betrayed the Black Abbot and agreed to help her slay the vampire Nerezza! But Kai-Teng distrusts the so-called Council, and so do we! And though he won't admit it, privately, we believe Fairuza is worried for his fair rival's safety! Are Fairuza and Swiftmare dire enemies, or secret lovers? If Calla does not survive her latest folly, we may never know! Those who wish to dig deeper should join the caravan in Phiarlan.
Stunning New Architecture Arises in Necropolis!
Strange new structures have appeared overnight in the Necropolis Graveyard. Did countless cultists raise them secretly in the night? Or is the Black Abbot's sorcery to blame? Perhaps the latter, for as the fog lifts, some claim to have sighted the residence of the Black Abbot himself. When asked to comment on the changed appearance of her tavern, Julia Farind said, 'I went to bed, just like any other night, and when I woke up, everything was so different! I'm scared out of my wits, but my patrons seem to like the new look....'
Kaltrop Warns of Elusive Undead!
Kaltrop, Stormreach's resident expert on all things undead, has a warning for those seeking to conquer the Shadow Tombs and Crypt. He's heard rumors of several new types of undead -- monsters of a dark and ghostly nature. It seems that humanoids are not the only creatures that have been touched with the taint of shadow. Beware of any sudden weakness or swift withering of muscle mass, for according to Kaltrop, these are the first signs of the creatures' attack! Kaltrop strongly encourages all delving into the tombs to travel with a cleric armed with Deathward and Restoration.
Reported Dragon Sightings Increase Tenfold!
Reports of red dragons circling the great houses of Stormreach have exploded over the last month. When asked to comment, Derek Grospic stated, 'Get this straight: there is no reason to panic! True, the Coin Lords have not spoken with the dragons. In fact, we've sent half a dozen envoys across the sea to Argonnessen, and none have returned with a response. But what of that? The dragons are arrogant and powerful; surely they are too busy to bother with our fears. Nevertheless, the City Guard has been doubled, placed on high alert, and armed with magical weapons -- all to reassure the good folk of Stormreach that there is no reason whatsoever to pack up and run for the hills!' Very comforting words from the Coin Lords.

Keep an eye open, Stormreach, for around the next corner could be rags or riches!