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Item:Splintered Winter's Wrath

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Splintered Winter's Wrath[edit]

UMD Difficulty 25 Spell snowballswarm.png
Snowball Swarm

Caster Level: 3
5/5 Charges
Recharged/Day: 5

No UMD check for: Wiz, Sor, Brd
Minimum Level: 5
Binding Bound to Account on Equip, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Equip: This item is Bound to Account on Equip
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Durability: 25
Material: WoodIcon tooltip.pngWood: Wood is common for use in Quarterstaffs, bows, or ammo. It is light, but its durability is low.
Hardness: 10
Weight: 0.10 lbs
Base Value: 2,000 pp
Location: The Tide Turns, End chest
Splintered Winter's Wrath.png

Unraveling Enchantments to Winter's Wrath

Description A thin rod of blackened wood containing charges of the Snowball Swarm spell. Eternal wands recharge over time if they are not actively being used. It appears that at some point a very large mage sat on this wand, leaving an unpleasant looking crack along the grip.