Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Name: Idas

Race: Minotaur

Gender: Male

Bestows Quest(s): The Fire Caves

Location: Barrel's Bottom

Barrel's Bottom[edit]

If you try to talk to him anytime, he will reply:

  • Idas: The minotaur inclines his head. Hello, little friend. I am Idas. Dol Arrah's blessings be upon you.
    • You: And on you. What brings you to this town?
      • Idas: I have been long in the company of humans, dwarves, and halflings, little friend, since my kind were slaughtered beneath the burning mountain. The great mountain just north of here...
        • You: Slaughtered? What happened to them?
          • Idas: Darkness rules that place now. Ogres, the murderous brutes, invaded our caverns. Those they didn't slay in the attack perished on their altars to the Dragon Below!
            • You: They must be avenged, then, and the ogre's altars broken!
              • Idas: The minotaur shakes his head. Would that I could, but the power of the Dragon Below is strong there. It torments me with the memory of my people ... dying. I cannot bear to enter again.
                • You: I will do it, then. My thoughts will not be clouded by memory. The altars shall be destroyed!
                  • Idas: My thanks to you, little friend. There are three altars in the Fire Caves, and one is buried deep. Shatter them, and deal death to the ogres' high shaman, Mak-Murug. Only then will the darkness be lifted. May Arrah guard your steps. (Bestow quest)
            • You: The Dragon below?
              • Idas: A fell cult, worshipping the dark wyrm, Khyber. They are savages who drink the blood of their enemies, and revel in the cries of the dying! Idas seethes, his fists clenching. But I cannot enter that place myself. The evil of it burns in my blood like poison ...
                • You: Then let me avenge your people. I will return when the altars are destroyed.
                  • Idas: My thanks to you, little friend. There are three altars in the Fire Caves, and one is buried deep. Shatter them, and deal death to the ogres' high shaman, Mak-Murug. Only then will the darkness be lifted. May Arrah guard your steps. (Bestow quest)
    • You: A minotaur priest? This is a strange place for you, isn't it?
      • Idas: I have traveled the breadth of the Thunder Sea, stood in the shadow of the City of Towers, and waded into the stinking mists of the Mournland. And yet this is my home. Is that so strange?
        • You: You were born here?
          • Idas: In the Fire Caves, beneath the burning mountain, yes. Only my people are gone, now. I returned from pilgrimage to find them slaughtered!
            • You: Slaughtered? What happened to them? (see above)

Talking to him after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make him say:

  • Idas: You still have not avenged my people, I sense. The Fire Caves lie corrupted, and the Dragon's altars twist in my mind like venomous thorns.

Brood of Flame[edit]

After defeating Mak-Murug and destroying the altars, he will give you new information:

  • Idas: You have returned, and think you are victorious. Idas sighs, shaking his head. But Mak-Murug's villainy lingers in the caves.
  • You: How can that be? He is slain, and his altars destroyed?
  • Idas: Indeed, and I commend you for your bravery ... but Mak-Murug's death has brought a new curse upon that place. The molten stone itself has spawned foul beasts that have overrun the caves!
  • You: What sort of beasts?
  • Idas: being of fire and rock ... mephits and elementals. They multiply as we speak, and soon will come boiling out of the mountain itself! You must return to the caves at once and destroy them, before their numbers grow too numerous to face. Quickly, go! (Advance quest)

Talking to him after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make him say:

  • Idas: There is no time! The fire-kin continue to breed! Go to the Fire Caves and stop them while you can!

On completion of quest, he will congratulate you with the following:

  • Idas: Idas regards you gravely. The mountain lies still again. Mak-Murug's final curse has been lifted and my people's souls lie now in peace.
  • You: And you? Will you return there?
  • Idas: I ... think not. Idas glances away, his eyes glistening. The caves will only remind me of the kin and kith that I have lost. My home is the world now—let the mountain of fire remain empty, in their memory.
  • You: I am sorry for your loss.
  • Idas: And I thank you for what you have done. Know that from this day forth, you have a friend in Idas of Arrah.

After completing the quest and take the reward, if you talk to him again, he will reply:

  • Idas: It is good to see you again, little friend.