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Firebrand Gnoll sub-race

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A typical Firebrand Gnoll


Firebrand Gnolls are Gnoll type monsters (they would be Humanoid type monsters in pen-and-paper D&D[PnP]) belonging to the Gnoll race. Usually they are Chaotic Evil.


Firebrand Gnolls are a very organized clan, centered around the theme of fire, slavery and evil. They have melee and ranged combatants, arcane and divine spellcasters. All of them have more than one attack mode, usually at least both melee and ranged.

Firebrand Gnolls usually wear red armor. Some protect themselves with a metal shield sporting the clan insignia, a representation of Queen Lailat. Melee types are armed with a scimitar, ranged types with a longbow, spellcasters with a scepter. Low-level types are equipped with mundane weaponry, while higher-level types wield Flaming, Acid Burst or Pure Evil weapons and shields.

Pyromancers among them have fire flowing in their blood, and their natural attacks are Flaming.

The most powerful clan members are the ones "blessed" with demonic ancestry, so that they can't be classified as Firebrand Gnolls since they actually are Fiendish Gnolls.


Combat style and weaponry depend on the individual Firebrand Gnoll's class. Usually, more than one applies.


Creature Entries (15)[edit]