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Filth Fever

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Name: Filth Fever
Duration: 59 seconds
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Remedy: Remove Disease, Heal (spell), 2 consecutive Fortitude saves
Sources: Contagion

Description: Infects a living enemy with Filth Fever, which deals 1d3 Dexterity damage and 1d3 Constitution damage.

Diseased Monster attacks
(Combat): Natural Disease: You have been diseased and may soon suffer additional Dexterity and Constitution damage. To recover from the disease you must make one more Fortitude save.

The following creatures have been confirmed to be carriers of this natural disease:

  1. Attack Dog
  2. Bastion (monster)
  3. Gorger
  4. Drow Zombie
  5. Fiend-Blood Bat
  6. Unholy Friar
  7. Vile Carcass Eater
  8. Arzag-Khor Shaman
  9. Displeased Diseased Deceased
  10. Sharn Cranium Rat