Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Dragon Lord, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 29th January. edit

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This article describes definitions of various bind statuses of items. For a Character's resurrection location and its mechanism, see Spirit Binder.

Most items found in the game have no limitations on selling, trading or mailing. However, some items are limited, being either permanently tied to an account or to a single character. These items are referred to as "bound" items. Once bound, most all items can never become unbound.


Most randomly generated items are not bound to the character, and can freely be used, traded, mailed, and auctioned.

Bound to Character (BtC)[edit]

Items that are already bound to a character and thus cannot be traded, mailed, or auctioned.

Bound to Account (BtA)[edit]

Items that are bound to an account can only be traded to a character within the same account (and server) using a Shared Bank (available through the DDO Store). Bound to Account items cannot be mailed, not even to characters on the same account. Bound items cannot be traded or auctioned.

Binds on Acquire (BoA)[edit]

Items with this status become Bound (either to Character or Account), once taken from a chest or a reward list.

Binds on Equip (BoE)[edit]

Items on this status can be traded, mailed, and auctioned, but once they are equipped they become either Bound to Character (BTCOE) or Bound to Account (BTAOE).

  • All Green Steel items, when created in Altar of Fecundity.
  • Several items since Update 6.
  • Can be auctioned after binding, if you accidentally buy a bound item on the wrong character, you can auction it back to yourself.
  • BoE does not apply if the item is a weapon which is already BtA due to use of a sentient gem. Put a gem in first, then equip the weapon for the first time.
    • Note: Upgrading a Green Steel item at an altar within the Shroud will also bind the item to the crafter.
  • Category of items

See also[edit]