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Altar of Fecundity - Raw Ingredient Recipes

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Manufactured Ingredient Matrix[edit]

Manufactured Ingredient Created Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Ingredient #3 Ingredient #4 Energy Cell
Ore of Travail Locust Husk Glistening Pebbles Chipmunk Funk Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Filament of Toil Locust Husk Lammanian Lily Petals Glistening Pebbles Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Wondrous Balm #1 Locust Husk Lammanian Lily Petals Bitterscrub Fungus Glistening Pebbles Eberron Energy Cell
Wondrous Balm #2 Locust Husk Lammanian Lily Petals Bitterscrub Fungus Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Wondrous Oil #1 Locust Husk Lammanian Lily Petals Chipmunk Funk Bitterscrub Fungus Eberron Energy Cell
Wondrous Oil #2 Locust Husk Lammanian Lily Petals Chipmunk Funk Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Wondrous Jewel #1 Locust Husk Chipmunk Funk Bitterscrub Fungus Glistening Pebbles Eberron Energy Cell
Wondrous Jewel #2 Locust Husk Chipmunk Funk Bitterscrub Fungus Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Wondrous Scarab #1 Lammanian Lily Petals Chipmunk Funk Bitterscrub Fungus Glistening Pebbles Eberron Energy Cell
Wondrous Scarab #2 Lammanian Lily Petals Chipmunk Funk Bitterscrub Fungus Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Red Taper Lammanian Lily Petals Glistening Pebbles Chipmunk Funk Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Yellow Taper Locust Husk Glistening Pebbles Bitterscrub Fungus Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Green Taper Lammanian Lily Petals Glistening Pebbles Bitterscrub Fungus Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Blue Taper Glistening Pebbles Chipmunk Funk Bitterscrub Fungus Green Briar Twigs Eberron Energy Cell
Violet Taper Locust Husk Lammanian Lily Petals Glistening Pebbles Chipmunk Funk Eberron Energy Cell
Shavarath Signet Stone Shavarath Stone of Might Shavarath Stone of Battle Shavarath Stone of Strategy Shavarath Stone of Foresight Shavarath Stone of Victory