Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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User talk:UltraMonk

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Deletion request and other[edit]

Hi, unfortunately your request to delete your account cannot be granted because the wiki does not seem to have a function to delete users! At least it's not listed on DDO wiki:ListGroupRights. Here are some alternatives that I can offer:

  • Block is available! As an admin, you can probably do it yourself.
  • Update the lists manually. Gather friends and organize a general update. Start a talk about it, see how many active editors would be prepared to help you keep them updated.
  • Copy the lists as they are to your sandbox!
  • Consider working with User:Aldyron who knows stuff about dpl and has already created some awesome lists, such as User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Category_Waist_items_experiment.

Thanks for your time.

--Cru121 (ContributionsMessage) 01:54, November 24, 2013 (EST)
Right, real sorry for taking so long. Please, take a look at Talk:DPL (Dynamic Page List): I believe at least some usable middle ground is available *now*, and then we can trample the flaws toward perfection. Aldyron (ContributionsMessage) 21:30, November 25, 2013 (EST)

Category listings[edit]

How's things going? I see there is a disagreement between you and a couple of other editors having to do with including a list of items with details for easy finding of items with a certain property in a certain slot. I happen to think this is important information as well. Instead of getting in a huge edit war, how about if we make a gadget that pulls that information directly from the items' pages (and/or another source) and makes sure the list is always as accurate as we can? That seems to be the only complaint of "the other side". Interested? The other possibility is maybe even making a bot to keep all of those lists/categories up to date. I'll research how to make such a thing and get back to you on that. I know I can make the gadget though, if it will satisfy their complaint about being current. ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 08:42, November 24, 2013 (EST)