Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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6,644 edits and counting!
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Mjoll has Ø edits - keep up the good work!

Stuff   My Maps  


My apologies for the unexpected leave from the game and the wiki more than a year ago but I couldn't stand the grind anymore. And despite my growing dislike towards the grind my addiction to DDO was severe, so I had decided that the best way to get rid of this addiction was to leave abruptly.

I'm currently playing Marvel Heroes and I won't be coming back to DDO but I hope you will enjoy my contributions to the wiki. If someone else wants to continue from where I left - if it hasn't happened yet - feel free to do so, no request for permission is needed.

My best wishes to my guildmates and to the wiki staff, it was a great ride.

- Mjoll of CLAW

May 20 2014


DQ1 riddle
Epic crafting
Damage types
Twists combos
Shroud loot planner
Reaver puzzle solver
Shroud puzzle solver
Cannith crafting planner
Monastery puzzle solver
Composed weapon affixes
Monster manual (expanded version)


Tier Name Description Destiny
1 Brace for Impact 40% fort + 2 reflex, fortitude and will saves Unyielding Sentinel
1 Draconic Perception 6 reflex save Draconic Incarnation
1 Energy Sheath (A) 50% fire absorption, 3d3+20 fire dmg on being hit (10 sp cost, 1m cooldown, 6m duration) Draconic Incarnation
1 Fast Healing 6d20 hp/minute Fury of the Wild
1 Perfect Balance 3% dodge Grandmaster of Flowers
1 Primal Scream (A) 5 Con and Str (3m duration, 5 uses) Fury of the Wild
1 Unearthly Reactions 6 reflex save + 3% dodge Magister
2 Action Boost: Damage (A) 30% damage (20s duration, 5 uses) Legendary Dreadnought
2 Embrace the Light 30% less light damage taken Exalted Angel
2 Favored Enemy 6th Favored Enemy Primal Avatar
2 Lithe 6 reflex save + 6 AC + 6 MDB Shadowdancer
3 Action Boost: Haste (A) 30% attack speed (20s duration, 5 uses) Legendary Dreadnought
3 Critical Damage 6 dmg on crit Legendary Dreadnought
4 Gird Against Demons Cold Iron + 2d6 dmg vs. Evil Outsiders Fury of the Wild
4 Sense Weakness 30% dmg vs. helpless + 4.5/11/21.5 average melee dmg if target is below 75/50/25% HP Fury of the Wild


Level Quests F2P P2P
1 12 (3) 12 (3)
2 18 18
3 21 (1) 9 12 (1)
4 18 9 9
5 23 5 18
6 18 9 9
7 17 5 12
8 19 7 12
9 18 (3) 1 17 (3)
10 16 (1) 4 12 (1)
11 17 4 13
12 11 5 6
13 11 1 10
14 9 9
15 7 2 5
16 9 3 6
17 14 14
18 8 1 7
19 16 16
20 3 3
21 4 4
22 6 6
23 3 3
24 6 6
Total 304 (8) 95 (3) 209 (5)


Standards: 'What to Expect' Notes[edit]

  • Traps
    • Fixed
    • Random
    • Undisarmable
    • Don't require rogue skills to be disarmed
  • Maze
    • Fixed layout
    • Random layout
  • Puzzle
    • Mandatory
    • Optional
  • Quest failure
    • If X dies
    • If item X is destroyed
    • If more than X (out of Y) die
    • If more than X (out of Y) items are destroyed
    • If event X doesn't happen before the time runs out
  • Protect an NPC
    • Mandatory
    • Optional
  • Randomly placed
    • NPC
    • Lever
    • Portal
    • Shrine
    • Collectable
    • Quest item
  • Rune (requires a stat X check)
    • Mandatory
    • Optional
  • Requires extra player(s)/hireling(s)
    • Mandatory
    • Optional
  • Stat check (requires a stat X check)
    • Mandatory
    • Optional
  • Quest item collection (N quest items)
    • Mandatory
    • Optional
  • Riddle
  • Chaos orbs
  • Collapsible floor
  • Point of no return
  • Overlapping floors
  • Protect a quest item
  • Timed quest (N minutes)
  • Multiple quest entrances (N)
  • Spawning/respawning monsters
  • Contains the entrance to another quest (to quest X)
  • Monsters that have to be killed almost simultaneously

Standards: Chests Info[edit]

Code: {{popupnumbers|normal=value /|hard=value /|elite=value}}

Example: ♦  1 /Icon tooltip.pngNormal ♥  2 /Icon tooltip.pngHard ♠  3Icon tooltip.pngElite
Example: ♦  1 - 2 /Icon tooltip.pngNormal ♥  2 - 3 /Icon tooltip.pngHard ♠  3 - 4Icon tooltip.pngElite
Template: Template:Popupnumbers


X or X - Y
X = chests that are:

  • always guaranteed to appear regardless of the player's actions
  • always guaranteed to appear IF the player does something:
    • solves a puzzle
    • opens a locked door
    • frees/protects someone
    • destroys/protects something
    • passes a stat or a skill check
    • kills a named monster or a group of monsters that are always guaranteed to appear

Y - X = random chests, not always guaranteed to appear and whether they appear or not is completely independent of the player's actions

Basic info

  • Chest that just sits there
    • 1 found <insert location>
  • Chest awarded for killing something/someone
    • 1 for killing X
  • Chest awarded for accomplishing something (rescuing, escorting, etc)
    • 1 for <insert action>
  • Chest awarded for completing the quest
    • 1 at the end

Additional info

  • Chest awarded for completing an optional objective
    • 1 optional <insert basic info>
  • Trapped chest
    • 1 trapped <insert basic info>
  • Locked chest
    • 1 locked <insert basic info>
  • Locked chest opened by key only OR located behind a locked door opened by key only
    • 1 locked <insert basic info> (opened by key only)
  • Locked chest that can be picked/knocked or opened by key OR located behind a locked door that can be picked/knocked or opened by key
    • 1 locked <insert basic info> (can also be opened by key)
  • Chest that doesn't always spawn
    • 1 rare <insert basic info>
  • Chest that can spawn in multiple locations
    • 1 <insert basic info> (can spawn in multiple locations)

Alignments: Vulnerabilities and Immunities[edit]

Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good
Chaotic, Unholy Lawful, Holy, Pure Good Unholy Chaotic, Lawful, Holy, Pure Good Lawful, Unholy Chaotic, Holy, Pure Good
Lawful Neutral True Neutral Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic, Pure Good Lawful, Holy, Unholy Pure Good Chaotic, Lawful, Holy, Unholy Lawful, Pure Good Chaotic, Holy, Unholy
Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil
Chaotic, Holy, Pure Good Lawful, Unholy Holy, Pure Good Chaotic, Lawful, Unholy Lawful, Holy, Pure Good Chaotic, Unholy