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Guild Name

Guild Rank


Thelanis Grynd
Dwarf male 02015
013ChampionIcon tooltip.png1st life and 13 levels!
Grynd Leader Tempest, +2 Supreme Tome; +3 CON & CHA tomes. Kinda wish...Icon tooltip.pngTempest, +2 Supreme Tome; +3 CON & CHA tomes. Kinda wish he was LG instead of NG so I could go monk and use wraps against oozes/rusties... Oh... and it's a short 'i' sound - sounds like "grinned," not "grind"! Finally figured out how to do his levels and quickly capped; contemplating LRing into 18/2 since getting the Kilau set, but attacking hasn't been a problem, so haven't. Hit 25 (though still hasn't taken the level) November 2012; currently leveling LD (SC 4, PA 3, FotW 5).
Thelanis Donajya
Dwarf female 01818 038HeroIcon tooltip.png2nd life and 38 levels!
Grynd Officer Really only female 'cause I had the name available and I ...Icon tooltip.pngReally only female 'cause I had the name available and I liked it enough to reuse it... +2 Tomes of everything; +3. Yay for the 50% Tome Tuesdays in May 2011! Capped 11 January 2012; TR'd (into barb) June/July 2012; XP Stoned to 16 August 2012
Thelanis Maraga
Human female 02020 020ChampionIcon tooltip.png1st life and 20 levels!
Grynd Officer My gimpy hagglebard crafterbot. Five of her seven feats ...Icon tooltip.pngMy gimpy hagglebard crafterbot. Five of her seven feats spent on boosting her haggle or crafting... Able to self-buff to 76 Haggle (if I remember her necklace with the guild haggle augment slotted...); probably 79 after visiting a good airship, and 83 if any friendly monks and bards are around. How the hell did my gimpy hagglebard become my first capped character?! +2 all tome; +3 CHA/CON.
Thelanis Melorib
Elf female 0054
007ChampionIcon tooltip.png1st life and 7 levels!
Grynd Officer My bank. Champion. Anybody wanna help her pike some Hou...Icon tooltip.pngMy bank. Champion. Anybody wanna help her pike some House K favor? *g*
Cannith Otifalcon
Halfling male 02014
020ChampionIcon tooltip.png1st life and 20 levels!
Destiny Officer Got talked into joining a guild on Cannith (to be honest,...Icon tooltip.pngGot talked into joining a guild on Cannith (to be honest, though, I mainly went over 'cause Thelanis was down and I was bored one day...) and honestly wish I'd done it sooner! Only play once a week in a static group, but because I also only play one character (and don't spend 90% of my playing time staring into space...) he's one of my most meteoric-rising characters. Mechanic/Arti, great combo (although I'm considering LRing into several more Arti levels - Mechanic 2 doesn't really do a whole lot, while more arti levels = higher runearm damage + more (and longer-lasting) spells + clicky/wand/pot boosts... the problem becomes figuring out how many levels!). +1 STR Tome, +2 everything else
Thelanis Rorshgur
Dwarf male 01616 016ChampionIcon tooltip.png1st life and 16 levels!
Grynd Officer Fun when I just want to do some mindless meleeing. Rawr,...Icon tooltip.pngFun when I just want to do some mindless meleeing. Rawr, me swing big axe! +2 all tomes (I think?); currently ignored with most of his gear helping out on Dona's barb life.
Thelanis Indak
Warforged male 0066 006ChampionIcon tooltip.png1st life and 6 levels!
Grynd Officer My attempt at making a caster. Doesn't see much use, 'ca...Icon tooltip.pngMy attempt at making a caster. Doesn't see much use, 'cause I'm really not good at managing a thousand hotbars... Champion.