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True Alignment

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A True Aligned or Pure Aligned weapon is infused with the power of an alignment. It does an additional 1d6 damage to targets of other alignments and can only be wielded by characters of the matching alignment. This requirement can be bypassed with a Use Magic Device skill of 20 or higher.


  • You only need to hit UMD 20 to equip the item; once equipped, it will stay equipped until you log out or switch weapons.
  • Automatic alignment restrictions/UMD requirements only apply to lootgen/cannith crafted weaponry. Named items can break the rules and allow characters of different alignments to use these effects without penalties/UMD requirements.

True Law

Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: +1
Effect: This weapon is infused with the power of True Law. It does an additional 1d6 damage to non-lawful targets and can only be wielded by Lawful aligned characters.

True Chaos

Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: +1
Effect: This weapon is infused with the power of True Chaos. It does an additional 1d6 damage to non-chaotic targets and can only be wielded by Chaotic aligned characters.

Pure Good

Type: Suffix
Base price modifier: +1
Effect: This weapon is infused with the power of Pure Good. It does an additional 1d6 damage to non-good targets and can only be wielded by Good aligned characters.

See also