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Weapons are a key component of your character's equipment for battling the foes that you will face. All weapons are associated with a proficiency skill that your character needs to have, otherwise you suffer a -4 to your attacks when battling monsters. Some weapons have an additional requirement, such as race or alignment, to equip it at all.

Basic weapons[edit]

Basic weapons can range from simple things such as a Club to an exotic Khopesh. For further details of basic weapons please click on one of the links below. These list just the very base stats of weapons, which can be modified by a suffix and a prefix on randomly generated weapons, or be changed in any number of ways in the case of named weapons.

Named weapons[edit]

Named weapons are weapons that are named and can be found throughout your adventures in and out of Stormreach. Named weapons have preassigned abilities to them and will always be the same unless the developers decide to change them. Just a few of the more widely known and used named weapons are Muckbane, Sword of Shadow, and Adoryn's Malice.

Throughout your adventures you will find weapons that are enchanted like this. For a listing of these enchantments please check out the Weapon enchantments page.

See also[edit]