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Inspiration Melody: Spell Song Vigor

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Icon Enhancement Spell Song Vigor.png
Inspiration Melody: Spell Song Vigor: Inspiration Melody: When you use your Bardic Inspiration, you apply an effect to your target that restores spell points over time for the duration of your song. (2 spell points every 2 seconds)
Passive: You sing your Bardic Inspiration as if you had 1 more level of Bard.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Bard 5, Character 12, Song of Arcane Might

Icon Enhancement Spell Song Vigor.png
Spell Song Vigor

The regen makes almost any spell-like ability from Stormsinger enhancements effectively free.
This ability also allows clerics to hold onto their Divine Vitality uses for emergencies.