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Lantern Archon (benefactor)

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Lantern Archon <Benefactor>

Type: Good Outsider (List)

Race: Ghaele Eladrin (List)

Sub-race: Lantern Archon (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Color Type: Yellow - Basic Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR: Challenge Level

Attack: Nimbus of Light, Searing Light (highest damage dealer of the Summon Monster IV spell, but useless once SP is gone)

Special Qualities: Resistant to Cold and Fire, Immune to Electricity, DR/Cold Iron + Evil


Description: CR 6 version is summoned by Summon Monster IV. The Lantern Archon on Kobold Island is generally benevolent. It can be killed for a large Dragonshard bonus, but once killed will not return. The Archon will be marked on your map when it appears. While alive, it will drop bags of 5 shards every couple of seconds that will disappear after 10-15 seconds.

At level 5 Lantern Archon of Kobold Island has DR 4/Cold Iron and DR 3/Evil. At level 15 it has DR 10/Cold Iron and DR 10/Evil.

Unusually for an Archon, the Lantern Archon benefactor is typed as a Ghaele Eladrin in permanent orb form, not an Angel. The actual Angel race had not been implemented when the Cannith Challenge Pack was added.