Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Iridor d'Phiarlan
Name: Iridor d'Phiarlan
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Location: Partycrashers, Ball room
Iridor d'Phiarlan can be seen near the central fountain talking to Brunaccio Patroclus. Talking to him will make he randomly say one of those lines:
- Iridor d'Phiarlan: I can practically hear the Viceroy's remarks about how I've wasted my life.
- Iridor d'Phiarlan: I am of the Twelve now. I do not enjoy being back here in the Phiarlan Chapterhouse.
- Iridor d'Phiarlan: When I joined the Twelve, I thought I left all the intrigue and subterfuge behind.