Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Play DDO

To download the game, go to DDO download page. You download a rather small installer. When you run it, it will then download and install the rest of the game.

Alternate installers[edit]

If the official installer does not work for you, consider some of the alternatives:

  • DDO is available on Steam:
    Tip: After installing the game via Steam, you can copy the game folder out of Steam folder to run it without the Steam overhead.
  • Player-made DDO-Wrapper (custom installer)

Copy the game folder[edit]

DDO installation does not write stuff to any extravagant locations. You can move the game folder as needed. You can also copy the folder to a different computer.