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DDO, Linux Ubuntu Lucid and You
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Note: for s solution that does not require Crossover Games, check this thread.
You can use DDO without logging onto your Windows partition. It is not easy, it costs $40 for Crossover Games, but in the end it is worth it.
This guide was written by a Ubuntu Lucid Lynx user, but can be used as a guide for installing DDO on other Linux distributions.
Download and install Crossover Games (CXG), If you already have the DDO installation files on your Windows Partition, copy them onto your Linux Partition. Otherwise download them from DDO's website,
Using CXG, Create a bottle for Win2000, name it something like DDO2000, do not use a WinXP bottle, this can cause problems. Then using Other Games option, run the Installation for DDO from CXG by selecting the appropriate directory. Currently, there should be no errors doing this, but they can happen.
Next, Download and install PYLOTRO from Use the tools menu, Options option to set your game to DDO. Tell the LOTRO interface where to find DDO and use the appropriate video setting for you computer.
Finally, patch the game from PYLOTRO's Options menu. You get an error that the patchclient.dll was in use, but other than that, things run smoothly, but take a while. Some report having to download a new patchclient.dll, and copy it into DDO. If you do, google it to find a newer patchclient.dll.
Open PYLOTRO, set your game to DDO, enter your realm, username, and password, hit login and you will be up and running.
Couple of notes on playing the game, the sound may be bad. You should hear just fine but you may have to put up with some static. Also, depending on your settings, you may have to attack with your right mouse button, and interact with things on your left. Kind of weird setting out, but one gets used to it.
Also, to prevent crashing when you change screens to look up something on the internet (DDOwiki), change from full screen to windowed. Looks good and actually works better.
In conclusion, DDO can work just fine (if not better in some aspects) in Linux. While installation is a bit cumbersome, its not that difficult if using current software and you are willing to pay for CXG, instead of using the free Wine.