Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

If you are currently a VIP, you also have until the 27st of August to claim a free 1000 Sentient XP Gem from Reitz in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Named quest rewards

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Although most quest-givers allow you to select one item from a randomly-generated list of treasure items, certain multi-part quest chains have a fixed list of named, pregenerated items available. Almost all such items are Bind on Acquire (disallowing exchange between characters). You won't be able to choose freely between those, since all the quest-givers replace some of those items by random ones "of equal value".

A Relic of a Sovereign Past reward items • Advance to level 15 reward items • Assault on Splinterskull reward items • Attack on Stormreach reward items • Black Dragonscale Armor reward items • Blue Dragonscale Armor reward items • Blue Water Inn reward items • Cannith Crafting Tutorial reward items • Catacombs reward items • Cult of the Six reward items • Delera's Tomb reward items • Dirty Laundry reward items • Dragoncraft Armor reward items • Dragontouched Armor reward items • Elfcraft Armor reward items • Emerald Claw Nugget reward items • Eveningstar reward items • Fathom the Depths reward items • Giantcraft Armor reward items • Harbinger of Madness reward items • Heyton's Rest reward items • Into the Deep reward items • Invasion Tokens reward items • Morninglord starter items • Necromancer's Doom reward items • Necropolis Scarab collectable • Raven Queen Messenger reward items • Redemption (quest) reward items • Reign of Madness reward items • Repossession reward items • Sacrifices reward items • Shield of Legend reward items • Shipwreck Shore reward items • Silver Flame Nugget reward items • Stopping the Sahuagin reward items • Syranian Forged Weaponry reward items • Tattered Tapestries reward items • The Abandoned Excavation reward items • The Cannith Crystal reward items • The Chronoscope reward items • The Claw of Vulkoor reward items • The Collaborator reward items • The Curse of Strahd reward items • The Grotto reward items • The Last Stand reward items • The Maleficent Cabal reward items • The Salvation of Korthos reward items • The Seal of Shan-To-Kor reward items • The Sharn Syndicate reward items • The Spawn of Whisperdoom reward items • The Storehouse's Secret reward items • The Temple of Elemental Evil reward items • The Threnal Arena reward items • Three-Barrel Cove (heroic) reward items • Tome of Untold Legends reward items • White Dragonscale Armor reward items