Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Lighting the Candle currently provided 1d4/1d4 fire/force(crit) and scaled only with melee power instead. Ulfo (ContribsMessage) 09:56, December 31, 2022 (EST)

In addition, my current shuri-monk build uses two imbues - Lighting the Candle and Sting of the Ninja - simultaneously. The most amazing thing is that one of these Enhancements - Sting of the Ninja - I didn't even teach and it wasn't selected in the Ninja Spy Enhancements tree. Very strange but very positive bug, lol... 8) Ulfo (ContribsMessage) 10:03, January 18, 2023 (EST)
Bug with double imbue fixed in U58.1, now only one can be active. Lighting the Candle still bugged and provide only d4/d4 Fire/Force damage instead d6/d6 and scale only with MP instead MP/RP. Positive bug fixed, negative still persist... Usual SSG... Ulfo (ContribsMessage) 12:46, March 12, 2023 (EDT)

AA stuff[edit]

I moved changes related to Arcane Archer to the bottom of the imbue page. I think it should be moved away to a different article entirely (AA?). Link it.

Imbue was a nicely structured page: 1) general info about imbues, 2) types of imbues, 3) extra dice. The insertion of AA information kinda broke that structure, confusing reader with details that didn't apply to 95% of imbue users.

Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 02:55, November 13, 2023 (EST)