Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your free Dragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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songdescription template[edit]

I applied the song description template instead of the enhancement template because it's more of a song than an enhancement since it does not even have an AP cost. I'll do the same for Ironskin Chant and Spellsong Trance shortly.

The description does not list if there is a Perform requirement, so I assumed there isn't. Though, the DDO descriptions are often wrong and therefore it's a risky bet. I posted about it on the forums, in case someone can answer. --Borror0 11:15, November 15, 2009 (EST)

Wizzly Bear just confirmed that they don't have a Perform requirement. --Borror0 12:04, November 15, 2009 (EST)