Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Enthrallment: Cooldown: 10 seconds
Expend a use of Bardic Music to enthrall multiple enemies. Enthralled enemies stop what they're doing and have a chance of breaking free when damaged.
Enthralled enemies suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Will saves for 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per bard level, even after being disrupted from their reverie.
This ability uses a Perform check as Will save DC.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Bard 3


  • Level: Bard 3
  • Cost: 2 Action Points
  • Requires: 10 APs spent in Spellsinger enhancements
  • Target: All nearby enemies not immune to mind-affecting effects
  • Base Duration: 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per bard level
  • Saving Throw: Will negates, DC = Perform skill + 1d20
  • Song Description: Cooldown: 10 seconds. Expend a use of Bardic Music to enthrall multiple enemies. Enthralled enemies stop what they're doing and have a chance of breaking free when damaged. Enthralled enemies suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Will saves, even after being disrupted from their reverie.