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Runetusk Guide

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Runetusk Guide.jpg

Name: Runetusk Guide

Race: Ogre

Gender: Male

Location: [[Category:The Restless Isles, various locations farshifters]][[The Restless Isles, various locations]]

Notes: He can bring you immediatelly to Mul Tong in the Ogre Foothold if you have already meet him once.

If you have not yet met Mul-Tong, the guide will say:

  • Runetusk Guide: I will not take you yo see Mul-Tong. You have not proven yourself.

After you have talked to Mul-Tong, he will be more friendly:

  • Runetusk Guide: You are a proven friend of true Runetusks. You want audience with Mul-Tong?
    • You: Lead the way. (Transport to Ogre Foothold)
    • You: Not now (Walk away)