Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Milus Sherton
Name: Milus Sherton
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation(s): War Wizards
- Eveningstar, west end by the gate leading to The King's Forest
- The King's Forest, in the forward outpost, under the shelter near the rest shrine.
Description: <Transport Officer> Milus is a War Wizard and can help you providing transportation further into the King's Forest.
When you first approach him, he will say:
- Milus Sherton: Well met, but if you will excuse me, stranger, I am very busy.
- Milus Sherton: I have been tasked with transporting the forces of Cormyr to our forward outpost in the King's Forest.
- You: Can you take me to this forward outpost?
- Milus Sherton: So many people have already lost their lives to the Drow. I cannot in good conscience take you to the front, as I would be responsible should you perish.
- Milus Sherton: No, you must first prove you are capable of surviving the King's Forest. If you are able to traverse the forest and reach the Cormyr Outpost there, then you will have proven yourself. Only then can I offer you my services.
- You: Can you take me to this forward outpost?
After you have met him in the Outpost, he will say:
- Milus Sherton: Well met, Dranyer!
- Milus Sherton: I have been tasked with transporting Cormyr's forces and its allies to our forward outpost in the King's Forest.
- Milus Sherton: Are you in need of my services?
- You: Take me to the forward outpost in the King's Forest.
King's Forest[edit]
When you reach the Cormyr Outpost, he will be there waiting for you. He will say:
- Milus Sherton: You must truly be an adventurer to contend with to have reached this place, <name>.
- Milus Sherton: I am pleased to have such powerful allies in the fight against the Drow.
- Milus Sherton: I offer you my teleportation services. I can transport you directly back to Eveningstar.
- Milus Sherton: And from eveningstar, speak to me by the gate to the King's Forest. I can teleport you back here as well.
- You: I'd like to return to Eveningstar.