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Item:Veil's Avenger

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Veil's Avengers[edit]

Damage (0-0) + 2
Damage Types Pierce, Magic
EnchantmentsIcon tooltip.pngEnchantments found on the items Dwarf BaneIcon tooltip.pngDwarf Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against Dwarves, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against the foe.
+2 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+2 Enhancement Bonus: +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Durability 1
Material Wood
Hardness 5
Description A missile with a thin wooden shaft, a metal pointed head, and feathered vanes for stabilization, designed to be shot from a bow.
Destroyed on Exiting Adventure.
Value 1 gp
Weight 3 lbs for 100
Chest locationsIcon tooltip.pngQuests or Zones that contain chests where the item may drop in a chest The Vault of Night - Talk to Veil in the entrance room to receive the arrows
Veil's Avenger.png