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Hag race
Hags can be either Monstrous Humanoid type or Evil Outsider type monsters.
Hags appear as wretched old women, with long, frayed hair and withered faces. Horrid moles and warts dot their blotchy skin, their mouths are filled with blackened teeth, and their breath is most foul. Though wrinkled and skinny, hags possess supernatural strength and can easily crush smaller creatures, such as goblins, with one hand. Similarly, though hags look decrepit, they run swiftly, easily bounding over rocks or logs in their path. From the long, skinny fingers of hags grow iron-like claws. Hags use these claws and their supernatural strength to rend and tear at opponents in combat. Their garb is similar to that of peasant women, but usually much more tattered and filthy.
Hags hoard fine treasure, using the jewelry and coins to decorate the bones of their more powerful victims, and the finer gems to manufacture magical hag eyes.
Hags have a ravenous appetite and are able to quickly devour man-sized creatures. They prefer human flesh, but settle for orc or demihuman when necessary. This wanton destruction has earned hags some powerful enemies. Besides humanity in general, both good giants and good dragons hunt hags, slaying them whenever possible. Still, hags multiply rapidly by using their magic to appear as beautiful maidens to men they encounter alone. Hag offspring are always female. Legends say that hags can change their unborn child for that of a human female while she sleeps. They further state that any mother who brings such a child to term is then slain by the hag-child she carries. Such ghastly tales have never been proven.
- Hags usually disguise themselves as a young human woman to caught their targets off-guard.
- Bog Hags - Live near water, always Monstrous Humanoid type
- Green Hags - always Monstrous Humanoid type
- Night Hags - Planar travelers, always Evil Outsider type
Creature Entries (42)[edit]
- Agathea
- Aghilde
- Agnes
- Agrapina
- Andreea
- Angsty Agnes
- Baba
- Baba Lysaga (red-named)
- Baba Yana
- Barovian Hag
- Barovian Witch
- Beatrice
- Bella Sunbane
- Bella the Younger
- Brutal Beatrice
- Cadence
- Category:Bog Hag sub-race monsters
- Category:Green Hag sub-race monsters
- Category:Night Hag sub-race monsters
- Condescending Cadence
- Crina
- Drolga
- Elbagya
- Elisabeta
- Forest Hag
- Frelga
- Graezil
- Gramma Skye
- Grundlehin
- Magda Meatcarver
- Morgantha
- Night Hag
- Offalia Wormwiggle
- Offalia the Young
- Old Morgantha
- Raluca
- Scintilla
- Shadow Hag
- Sora Katra
- Vasilica
- Zanaduul
- Zehraa
Sources: ©1995-2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Revised (3.5) System Reference Document which is considered Open Game Content under the Open Game License. Viewable at: