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Foreman Wee Yip Yip

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Foreman Wee Yip Yip.jpg

Name: Foreman Wee Yip Yip <Kobold Union>

Race: Kobold

Gender: Male

Collects: Crystals

Affiliation(s): Kobold Union


Description: <Kobold Union> This Kobold Foreman, as dutifully specified by contract, is as brave, bold and battle-worthy as any other Kobold in the challenge. That is, walking dead meat. He sells you gear and services in the Crystal Cove challenge.


  • In exchange a number of Crystals, you can acquire:

Notes: He is only found in Smuggler's Rest during the Treasure of Crystal Cove event. He also has a hidden treasure which can be found using the Map to Wee Yip Yip's Hidden Treasure as part of the Treasure of Crystal Cove/Treasure Map quests.

Smuggler's Rest[edit]

  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You help nice Euphonia lady find map to Crystal Cove.
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Before we go there, you read Kobold Union Rulebook, so you know what to do at Crystal Cove.
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Then kobold workers go there and dig up dragonshard crystals. We all get rich!
    • You: All right, give me the Rulebook to read. (receive Kobold Mining Union Rulebook)
    • You: I have questions about what I'm supposed to do when we get to Crystal Cove.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Yes, yes. Ask your questions now!
        • You: So you kobolds will mine the crystals. What do I do?
          • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You be the muscle! You protect kobold workers, the kobold Union pay you with crystals!
          • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You also scout, find good crystals for kobolds to dig up!
          • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Most important, you get to tell kobolds where to go!
            • You: I have another question. (see "Yes, yes. Ask your..." above)
        • You: What's your job?
          • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: I'm the Foreman. I'm in charge! I hire kobolds and sell you supplies. I'm very very helpful! So you not let me die when we get there. If I die, you not able to buy more supplies!
            • You: I have another question. (see "Yes, yes. Ask your..." above)
        • You: How do I tell the kobolds where to go when they mine?
          • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Easy! Kobold Union hire workers who smell good! No, wait, that not right, most kobolds smell like dead fish.
          • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: I mean our workers follow their noses, go where the smell is! When you get to Crystal Cove you can use incense torches to attract kobolds to crystal clusters. You make a trail of incense torches, kobolds follow it.
            • You: I have another question. (see "Yes, yes. Ask your..." above)
        • You: Supervising kobolds seems kinda boring. Where's the excitement? The danger?
          • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You not worry about that! Nasty pirates sure to follow us to Crystal Cove and attack us when we're there. Your job is to kill the pirates, allow kobold miners to do their thing.
            • You: I have another question. (see "Yes, yes. Ask your..." above)

Crystal Cove[edit]

While carrying a Kobold Soul Stone:

  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You carrying Kobold Soulstone!
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Kobold Foreman take soulstone and replace dead kobold, but future kobolds get more hazard pay.
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (Reserrecting this kobold will cost <number> Crystals. Afterwards, cost for more kobolds in the future will increase to <number+1> Crystals.)
    • You: Pay the cost to resurrect the fallen kobold.
    • You: Purchase other items. (see "You need supplies?..." below)

If you are not carrying any Kobold Soul Stones:

  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (if quota hasn't been met) You need supplies?
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (if quota has been met) You reached quota! Now, all extra crystals you find belong to you!
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: - Incense Torch (Cost: 1 Crystals) Purchased: <number>/<10 or 20>
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: - Healing Torch (Cost: 3 Crystals) Purchased: <number>/-
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: - Kobold Worker (Cost: 1 Crystals) Purchased: <number>/<5 or 10>
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: - Worker Barrel (Cost: 1 Crystals) Purchased: <number>/<10 or 60>
  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: - Kobold Teleporter (Cost: 5 Crystals) Purchased: <number>/<2 or 3>
    • You: Purchase an Incense Torch.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (at Torch Cap) You need a Requisition Form to purchase more of that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (not enough Crystals) You cannot afford that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Torch received: use it from your inventory or hotbar.
    • You: Purchase a Healing Torch.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (not enough Crystals) You cannot afford that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Healing Torch received: heals Kobolds touching it.
    • You: Purchase a Kobold Worker.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (at Worker Cap) You need a Requisition Form to purchase more of that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (not enough Crystals) You cannot afford that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Go go go!
    • You: Purchase an Extra Worker Barrel.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (at Barrel Cap) You need a Requisition Form to purchase more of that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (not enough Crystals) You cannot afford that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Barrel received: Place it to be picked up by a Kobold.
    • You: Purchase a Kobold Teleporter.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (at Teleporter Cap) You need a Requisition Form to purchase more of that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: (not enough Crystals) You cannot afford that item.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Teleporter received: Okays, here's your Teleporter!
    • You: Use a Requisition Form for more supplies.
    • You: Explain to me what's going on.
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: The Kobold Union is here to mine Crystals before the nasty enemies get here. Hurry, hurry! We have to meet the Crystal quota. Any Crystals over the quota are yours!
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Purple Crystals are worth more, but they not stable - go boom!
      • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: But that's okay, Kobold Union has a reputation ... for dirt cheap labor! Throw more kobolds at the problem! It's what we do! Yip!
        • You: Now that you mention it... I have some serious questions.
          • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Ask! Ask your questions! Quick!
            • You: How do we mine the Crystals?
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You don't. That's the kobolds' job!
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You leave that part to us, and my workers bring any Crystals they find right here, to home base.
                • You: I have another question. (see "Ask! Ask your..." above)
            • You: So what's my job?
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You big. Strong like giants! You be the muscle! Kobold Union pays you to protect the workers who do all the real work.
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Try not to get us killed, puh-lease?
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Oh and you also get to scout. Find good mining locations and direct the kobolds there!
                • You: How do I direct the kobolds? (see "How do I tell..." below)
                • You: I have another question. (see "Ask! Ask your..." above)
            • You: So what's your job?
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: I am the Foreman! I'm in charge here. I supervise, delegate respawn... resplo... respawnsibil... fugget it! I hire kobolds. And I sell supplies, too!
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: I am invincible!
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Well, not really. I'm actually very squishy. But I'm useful! That's good, yes? Good for me anyway, bad for you. Gotta keep me safe or no more supplies for you! Yip!
                • You: Are you going to charge at the first monster you see and cast magic missile at it?
                  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Are you bonkers? Kobold Foreman Wee Yip Yip not get promoted to Foreman for being a hero! This kobold a lover, kobold no fighter! Kobold like his job and his life and his family very, very much. Kobold stay right here. And if scary things come knockin' Kobold squeal and run around like a little girl, like any sensible Kobold should! So it'd best not come to that... yip!
                    • You: Seriously, though... (see "Ask! Ask your..." above)
                • You: I have another question. (see "Ask! Ask your..." above)
            • You: How do I tell the kobolds where to go?
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: That's easy! See, Kobold Union doesn't just hire anybody. We don't hire for keen senses or sharp wit, no sir! We hand pick personnel who will work for rock bottom coin!
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Most of the workers are half blind from sun exposure and just follow their nose.
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: You can use those Incense Torches to attract them to crystal clusters. Put one down every twenty paces or so. That's kobold paces, mind you.
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: And don't put many Torches together, or kobolds get confused, run in circles and get nothing done!
                • You: Where do I get more Torches?
                  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Right here! I sells them! I sells them for Crystals! I get cut of profits! Torches cheap, like kobolds!
                    • You: I have another question. (see "Ask! Ask your..." above)
                • You: I have another question. (see "Ask! Ask your..." above)
            • You: Enemies? Here?
              • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Yes, yes, enemies! Yip! They'll be here soon! They mean to kobolds! Kobolds must hurry! Kobolds smash and grab! Hit and run! Kobolds get going before toughs get here! Yip yip!
                • You: I have another question. (see "Ask! Ask your..." above)

If and enemy approaches the central area of Crystal Cove:

  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Incoming!

If Foreman Wee Yip Yip dies:

  • Foreman Wee Yip Yip: Noooooo! Kobold Foreman too handsome to die!